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10. People like ______ animals because they’re ______ cute.

A. kind of;  kind of         B. kind of ; this kind of 

C. this kind of ; kind of        D. this kind of ; this kind of


9. I think the lions in cages can’t _______.

A. happy      B. happily     C. is happy    D. be happy


8. --Don’t you usually come to school by bike?

--______.But sometimes I walk to school.

A. No, I don’t   B. Yes, I do    C. Yes, I don’ t  D. No, I do


7. Can you tell me ________?

A. where is the post office      B. where the post office is

C. the post office is where      D. is the post office where


6. Let’s take a walk ______the park. On Center of Avenue.

A. across      B. cross      C. through    D. pass


5. This is my first visit _____Beijing Opera.

A. to        B. at       C. for      D. in


4. Linda stands between _____and _____.

 A. I; he      B. he; I      C. me; him    D. him; me


3. He can speak _____ English.

A. well      B. good      C. many     D. a lot


2. I think ______ is hard to learn English well.

A. this      B. that       C. it       D. English


(一)单项选择. ­–­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­

1. “What do you like _______ England?”  “The people and their food”.

A. from      B. about       C. at      D. with

