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3. Mr brown likes football very much, _____he doesn’t play it.  He often watches football games on TV.     A. and    B. but    C. so    D. or


2. My uncle comes home very late in the evening. He is very____  .

A. small    B. busy   C. hot   D. nile


1. _____there any pencils in the table ?  A. Is     B. Are   C. Do    D. Does


4. My sister _____ ( not like ) tennis.  5. Can you help kids with ____ ( swim)?


3. I like this movie. The movie is very _____  (  interest).


1. How much _____ ( be ) these things?  2. He can ____ ( do ) Chinese Kung Fu.


A: ________ can I do for you?             

B: I  ________ a bag of sports.

A: We have bags ________ all colors. They are on ________ now.

B: Oh, that's great.

A: ________  ________ do you want?

B: Green.

A: Let ________ have a look. What ________ this one?

B: It's too big. Do you have a ________ one?

A: Yes. How about this green one?

B: It is very nice. I'll ________ it.  ________  ________ is it?

A: Twenty dollars.

B:  ________ is the money.

A: Thank you.                           B: You're ________ .


3. is,  the,  blue, much,  T-shirt, how       4. are, six, there, in, family, people, my

  _____________________________?        _____________________________ .


1. your,  number,  what's,  phone         2. do,  spell,  pencil,  how,  you

  _____________________________?        _____________________________?


15.让我们吃冰淇淋吧!                  16.他们不喜欢西红柿。

 _____________________________        _____________________________

