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8. I was born ________ .

     A. on May         B. in 1993      C. in May 11th       D. in Saturday morning


7. My grandfather often ________ the early morning news on TV.

     A. reads          B. looks               C. sees             D. watches


6. Look, the man with his friends ________ at the pool.

     A. swim          B. learning             C. to learning        D. learn


5. ________ of my sharpeners is from Australia.

     A. Some          B. Two                C. All              D. One


4. The three students ________ their lessons (功课) in their class.

     A. all do          B. both do             C. do all            D. do both


3. Where is Bill? He ________ .

     A. at home        B. at school            C. is reading in bed   D. read in bed


2. The girl ________ the US is my son's English teacher.

     A. is from         B. comes from          C. from            D. of


1. They like ________ tennis.

     A. play           B. playing             C. plays            D. to playing


   My ____1____is Liu Ying .  I’m a school girl. I__2__in a middle school. There are lots of girls __3__my class. I go to school at seven ___4____the morning. Classes begin __5___7:30.  We have four __6__in the morning and two in __7__afternoon. After school we often play games. In the evening I  __8___my homework. Sometimes I __9___TV. But I _10__a lot.

1.(  ) A. sister   B. daughter  C. mother  D. name

2.(  ) A. work   B. study   C. teach   D. stay

3.(  ) A. in    B. at     C. from   D. of

4.(  ) A. in    B. on    C. every   D. all

5.(  ) A. on    B. abort   C. at     D. in

6.(  ) A. class   B. classes   C. the class  D. schools

7.(  ) A. a     B. an    C. the     D. /

8.(  ) A. does    B. do     C. doing   D. make

9.(  ) A. look at   B. see    C. watch   D. am watching

10.(  ) A. love read  B. likes reading C. like read D. like reading


A: Hi, Can I _____you?         B: Yes, please. I want to _____the art club.

A: Good May I _____your name?        B: Jones.

A: ____your first name?         B: Cindy.

A: How ____are you?          B: Twelve.

A: How can we ___you ?         B: My e-mail ___is cindy jonmes@.

A: Can you draw?            B: Yes, a little. I want to learn _____art.

A: Here ___a card. Please fill it ____.    B: Thank you.

