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6. All the teachers like watching their students     games.

    A. playing    B. play   C. to play   D. plays


5. It’s six o’clock.  It’s time      lunch.

    A. have    B. for have    C. for     D. to having


4.      Saturday morning, the kids read a book -Harry Potter.

     A. At     B. To     C. On     D. In


3. Bob, there      a phone call for you an hour ago.

     A. am     B. is    C. are    D. was


2.(    )        they go there last month?

     A. Does      B. Did     C . Will     D. Is


I 单项选择。(15分)

1. -      Tom at school last Monday?

      -Yes, he was.

     A. were      B. was    C. Is     D. Are



1         2.          3.          4.                

II. 根据说话,选择正确答案。(6分)

1.(    ) A. It’s interesting.  B. Not bad.    C. Thank you.

2.(    ) A. It was sunny.   B. Yes, I do.    C. He’s watching TV.

3.(    ) A. He’s funny.   B. He’s medium height.  C. He likes football.

4.(    ) A. No, I did     B. Yes, I went.   C. No, I didn’t.

5.(    ) A. Near the hospital  B. You ask that woman.  C. It’s windy

6.(    ) A. In July    B.With his family.    C. Went to the mountains.

III. 听文章,选择正确答案。(10分)

1.(   ) What was the weather like last Sunday?

  A. Sunny.    B. Snowy     C. Rainy

 (   ) 2. What did Sally think of the town?

  A. Beautiful     B. Clean     C. Big

 (   ) 3. What does Gina do?

  A. A student     B. A worker     C. A teacher

 (   ) 4. What does Gina look like ?

  A. She has long hair.  B. She has curly hair.   C. She has short hair.

 (   ) 5. What did Sally buy?

  A. A bag.      B. A watch.     C. A bag and a watch


15. W: Where do you live?

  M: I live at 25 Center Street, between the library and the supermarket.

  Q: What’s your address?


14. W: Would you like some vegetable dumplings for breakfast, Sally?

  M: No, but I’d like them for lunch.

Q: Would Sally like some vegetable dumplings for lunch?


13. W: I like some rice and beef. What about you, Jim?

  M: I don’t like any rice or beef, I like tomatoes a lot.

  Q: What does Jim like?

