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8. Let’s         (讨论)the answer to the question.


7. Would you like       (一些) dumplings?


6. Tom and Bob        (be) in the zoo five days ago.


5. His sister       (get) up at 7 every Sunday.


4. In 2002, he      (study) English in the US.


3.He thought hard and at last he        (决定) to write a letter to her.


2. Here are some brooms(扫把) in the      (角落)of  the classroom.


1. The food is very       (美味的), so Tom likes to eat it.



    In England, it often snows in winter. When it snows, our garden (花园) looks very beautiful under the snow, and it is nice to play in the snow. When I got up this morning, the land(陆地)was all white with snow. There was too much snow. Today is Sunday, so we don’t go to school. after breakfast, some of my friends came round, and we made a big snowman. It had a big mouth and two ears. Its eyes were black and its nose was red. Someone put an old hat on its head. We were very happy. After lunch we went to the park to make snowballs. In the park we met some boys from our school and we had a fight(打仗) with snowballs. I took a photo of our snowman. I like snow very much.

(   ) 6. when I got up this morning , the land        .

  A. was all white  B. was blue  C. was yellow  D. was

7.(   ) There was     snow on the ground.

  A. much too   B. a few    C. too much   D. a little

(   ) 8.The snowman didn’t have       .

  A. a mouth   B. a nose   C. any ears   D. any hair

9.(   ) We made snowballs      .

  A. at home    B. at school    C. in the street  D. in the park

10.(   ) We had a fight with        .

  A. our parents   B. trees    C. snowballs    D. water

