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8.(  ) Is this      pencil case?

A. he   B. she    C. her    D. a his


7.(  ) - What’s this in English?

    -        .

A. Yes, it’s a book.   B. It’s book.  C. It’s a book.  D. No, it’s not a book.


6.(  ) -      do you spell ruler?


A. How  B. Who   C. What   D. How to


5.(  ) -Is       a pencil?

    -No,      isn’t.

A. that, this   B. this, it   C. it, this   D. that, that


4.(  ) Gina is her      name.

A. family    B. first   C. last    D. surname


3.(  ) I       John. He      my brother.

A. is; am   B. am; is   C. are; is    D. am; are


2.(  ) There is     “H” and      “U” in the word “hour”.

A. a, an    B. an, an   C. an, a     D. a, a


1.(  ) -What’s your name?

    -        .

A. Is Mary   B. M-A-R-Y   C. My name’s Mary   D. I don’t know



Tom的朋友Li Tao是新来的学生。他们在校园里遇到了Tom的同学Ma Lili。







 Sam: What’s this? It’s an eraser. But it isn’t my eraser. Hi! Jim, is this your eraser?

 Jim:No,it isn’t. Maybe(可能)it’s Ann’s.

 Sam: Excuse me, Ann.

 Ann: Yes?

 Sam: Is this your eraser?

 Ann: No, it isn’t. I think(认为) it’s Lucy’s. Lucy, here is your eraser.

 Lucy: Oh, thank you very much.

 Sam: That’s all right.

 Jim: Look! What are those?

 Lucy: I think they are oranges.

 Ann: No, they aren’t, they are apples. They are yellow apples.

 Jim: Are they in a box?

 Lucy: No, they are in a basket(篮子).

 Sam: Whose(谁的)are they?

 Lucy: Sorry. I don’t know ( 我不知道 ) .

 1.( )The eraser is _________.

 A. Lucy’s   B. Ann’s  C. Jim’s   D. I don’t know.

 2.( )“What are those in the basket?”“ ________.”

 A. Bananas  B. Pears    C. Apples  D. Oranges

 3.( )“What color are those apples?” “__________.”

 A. Red   B. Yellow  C. Green   D. Brown

 4.( ) ________ are boys and ________ are girls.

 A. Ann and Lucy...Sam and Jim

 B. Sam and Ann...Jim and Lucy

 C. Sam and Jim...Ann and Lucy

 D. Jim and Ann...Lucy and Sam

 5.( )Which (哪个)is right(正确的)?

 A. Ann knows(知道) the eraser is Lucy’s.

 B. Lucy knows whose(谁的) the apples are.

 C. Sam gives(给) the eraser to Jim.

 D. Some oranges are in the box.

