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5.---Why_____your father like penguins?

--- Because they are______interesting.

A.   does , kind of       B. does , kinds of 

C. do, kind of         D. do,  kinds of 


4.--- What does she do?---_____________.

A. He’s a teacher.       B. She’s writing. 

C. She often does homework.   C. She’s a nurse.


3.Jim is the captain ______ the basketball team.

    A. of     B. as      C. on       D. with 


2. ---Is there a video shop near here?---__________.

    A.Yes, it is.   B.Yes, there is.  C.Yes, there isn’t.  D. No, it isn’t.


1.He wants to be a policeman because it’s_____exciting job.

A. a      B. an      C. the      D.  /


(   ) 11. The pictures aren’t______________.

    A. new        B. interesting      C. good 

(   ) 12. Jan’s sister is __________.

    A. at the library     B. at home       C. at school

(   ) 13. Jan’s brother isn’t_________.

A. eating        B. watching TV    C. doing homework. 

(   ) 14. What is Jan’s mother doing?

A. She’s swimming.   B. She’s talking.    C. She’s reading.

(   ) 15. What is Jan’s father doing?

A. He’s swimming.   B. He’s talking.    C. He’s reading a newspaper.

Section B  Writing (80%)


(   ) 6.What does Ann look like?

    A. Tall and heavy.    B. Short and heavy.     C. Short and thin.

(   ) 7. Where is Jimmy going ?

A. The police station.  B. The supermarket.   C. The hospital.

(   ) 8. Where is the library?

    to the hotel.  B.Behind the supermarket.  C.Across from the park.

(   ) 9. What does Lucy think of lions?

    A. Dangerous.     B. Lovely.       C. Cute.

(   ) 10. What’s Mike’s favorite animal?

    A. Elephant.      B. Dolphin .      C. Penguin.


(   ) 1.Where is Bill from?

A.          B.         C.

(   ) 2.What animals does he like?

A.          B.         C.

(   ) 3.How’s the weather?

A.          B.         C.

(   ) 4.What is Mary doing?

A.          B.          C.

(   ) 5.What does Jim want to be?

A.          B.          C.


  I  36  you’re well. I’m  37  holiday in London with my friend Jenny. We arrived  38  plane last Monday and  39  a taxi to our hotel. I went for a walk in Hyde Park but Jenny  40  with me  41  she was tired.

  Then  42  Tuesday we saw the clock, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth lives in the palace, but we didn’t see her. I  43  some presents.

44      day we visited the British Museum  45  had dinner in a Chinese


36.(  ) A. hope  B. hoped   C. hopes   D. hoping

37.(  ) A. at   B. on   C. in   D. with

38.(  ) A. in   B. at    C. by  D. on

39.(  ) A. take   B. took   C. taked  D. by

40.(  ) A. came   B. didn’t come  C. comes   D. doesn’t come

41.(  ) A. and   B. but   C. because  D. so

42.(  ) A. on   B. in   C. at   D. by

43.(  ) A. buy   B. buyed   C. bought  D.buys

44.(  ) A. Next   B. The next  C. Tomorrow   D. On

45.(  ) A. and   B. but   C. so   D. \

