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4.(   )     he have     brother and sisters?

    A.Is, any           B.Is, some          C.Does, any         D.Dose, some


3.(   )Please      “here” when the teacher calls (叫)your name.

    A.speak            B.say             C.tell             D.talk


2.(   ) She likes      to the movies      her friends.

    A.go, with         B.going, with       C.going, and        D.to go, and


1.(   ) Please write and tell me     yourself.

    A.about           B.in              C.with            D.for


9. lie(现在分词)                  10.five(序数词)      


7. have fun(同义短语)             8. have(三单)      


5. left(反)                  6. relax(形)      


3. swim(现在分词)            4.go(三单)      


1. photo (复)                 2. sun(形)      




6.(   )A.I’m a student.         B.I’m seven years old.        C.Pm busy

7.(   )A.Yes, there is.         B.No, there is.              C.Near the river.

8.(   )A.He’s from England.    B.He likes China very much.    C.He’s a reporter.

9.(   )A.They are two years old.  B.Because they are very cute.   C.They are in the zoo.

10.(   )A.She is friendly.       B.She loves reading.         C.She’s cleaning the room.


11.(   )What does Ann’s mother do?

    A.A teacher.               B.A policewoman.           C.A reporter.

12.(   )Why does Jim like dolphins?

    A.Because they’re exciting.     B.Because they’re cute.       C.Because they’re fun.

13.(   )Dose john like his job?

    A.Yes,he does.            B.No, he doesn’t.            C.Yes, he is.

14.(   )When does Bill go to bed?

    A. At 9:00                  B. At 10:00                 C. At 11:00

15.(   )What’ subject does Gina like?

   A. Mach.                   B. English.                 C. Chinese. 


16.(   ) How many people are there in Jack’s family?

    A. Six.                    B. Five.                    C. Four.

17.(   ) What’s Jack’s mother doing?

    A.She is playing computer games.  B.She is talking with Jeff.  C.She is cooking lunch.

18.(   ) What does Jack’s father do?

    A.A teacher.               B.A policeman.             C.He’s watching TV.

19.(   ) Who is Jeff?

  A.He’s Tom’s friend.         B.He’s Maria’s friend.        C.He’s Jack’s brother.

20.(   )Where is the dog , Xiaohei now ?

  A.In the sitting-room.        B.In the garden.             C.In the bedroom.

