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5. I want to see    . I like     .

A. action movie, action movies     B. an action movie, action movies  

    C. a action movie, a action movie   D. an action movie, an action movie


4. -    is his hat?

   - Under the chair.

   A. What     B. How much     C. Where     D. What color


3.     basketball shoes black?

   A. Is your     B. Are  your       C. Is you       D. Are you


2. Are those your sweaters?

   A. No, they’re  B. No, they aren’t  C. No, it isn’t  D. Yes, it is


1.   We sell pants    only 25 yuan.

   A. in        B. for        C. sell        D. buy


M: Let's play baseball.

W: I don't have a baseball.

M: Well. Let's play __16__.

W: That sounds fun. Where's _17_ tennis racket?

M: It's in my backpack. Do you have a tennis racket?

W: No, I don't. I have a __18_ ball and a volleyball. Does your sister have a tennis racket?

M: No, she doesn't. She plays_19_.

W: Then let's play soccer.

M: That sounds  20 .

Part two: Written  Test  Part(100分)


6.(  ) A. My name is Bill.     B. Nice to meet  you.   C. His name is Jim.

7.(  ) A..$9.           B. It’s red.      C. Here you are.

8.(  ) A. That’s all right.    B. You are welcome.     C. Thank you.

9.(  ) A. Yes, I do.         B. Yes, I can.       C. No, I don’t.

10.(  ) A. It’s six.        B. Seven.         C. It’s seventh

11.(  ) A. It’s March 3rd.     B. It’s two.       C. My birthday is July!

12.(  ) A. It’s red.        B. They’re red.     C. They’re T-shirts

13.(  ) A. No, I don’t.      B. Comedies.        C. I like red.

14.(  ) A. Play chess.       B. No, I can’t.      C. I have a guitar.

15.(  ) A. Yes, J-A-N-U-A-R-Y.   B. J-A-N-U-A-R-Y.      C. Yes, I can.






25.如图,在△ABC中, D、E分别是AC、AB上的点, BD与CE交于点O. 给出下列三个条件:①∠EBO=∠DCO;②∠BEO=∠CDO;③BE=CD.

  (1)上述三个条件中, 哪两个条件可判定△ABC是等腰三角形(用序号写出所有情形);

  (2)选择第⑴小题中的一种情形, 证明△ABC是等腰三角形.



