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113. Move one letter from the first word to the second word to make two new words.   Example: FEAR, CAN→FAR, CANE   ① DREAR, SPOT → ________, ________   ② STEAM, EAT → ________, ________   ③ PLAIN, ATE → ________, ________ 114. Four students live on the same road. Max lives 2 miles from the school. Claire lives twice as far away as Max. Jim lives between Max and Sue. Sue lives 1 mile from the school. Who lives farthest from the school? 115. Mike’s girlfriend left him. Their love was washed up. What does “washed up” here mean? You may answer it in Chinese or in English.


112. Change one letter only from each word to spell out an idiom (习语).    ACE FOUR ACE


I. 听辨单词 (Words) (共5小题,计5分)   听句子,选出句子中出现的单词。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 1. A. question   B. visiting   C. inventing   D. invitation 2. A. excellent   B. exercise   C. accident   D. advice 3. A. inside    B. record    C. closed    D. replied 4. A. during    B. bring    C. dealing    D. holding 5. A. brought    B. without   C. thought    D. except

II. 句子理解 (Sentences) (共5小题,计5分)   听句子,选择与所听句子意思相同或最相近的选项。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. A. She is dreaming and she is a famous woman.   B. She is not famous and she doesn’t want to be famous either.   C. Her dream is to be famous one day.   D. She never dreams about being a famous person. 7. A. She agrees on December 1st.   B. She is the first to meet me.   C. I will meet her on the first day of December.   D. I agree to meet her first. 8. A. She felt she was eating something. B. She didn’t want to eat anything.   C. She felt she liked eating.      D. She didn’t like to feel anything. 9. A. Today and yesterday are warm.    B. Yesterday was warmer than today.   C. It will be warmer tomorrow.   D. Today is warmer, but yesterday was much colder. 10. A. You have to finish that work in time.    B. You will finish that work in time.    C. You will have that work in time.    D. You finished that work in time. III. 对话理解 (Dialogues) (共10小题,计10分)   A) 听五组对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。对话和问题读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. A. A park.     B. Their home.   C. Their school.   D. A shop. 12. A. Sunny.      B. Cloudy.     C. Windy.       D. Rainy. 13. A. Twenty.     B. Thirty.     C. Fourty.      D. Fifty. 14. A. Every weekend. B. Three times a week.    C. Once a week.   D. Twice a week. 15. A. The red one.   B. The black one. C. The white one.   D. The blue one.   B) 听一组长对话,根据其内容选择最佳选项回答下列问题。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. What is Mary going to do on Saturday morning?   A. She is going to stay at home.    B. She is going to see a film.   C. She is going to visit the museum. D. She is going to do some shopping. 17. Will they have lunch together on Saturday?   A. Yes, they will.            B. No, they won’t.

  C. Maybe.               D. We don’t know. 18. Where will they possibly eat on Saturday evening?   A. In Mary’s home.          B. In Eric’s home.   C. In a Chinese restaurant.      D. In an Indian restaurant. 19. Where is the pub they want to go for lunch on Sunday?   A. Near the river.           B. Near the cinema.   C. In the city centre.         D. Near Mary’s home. 20. Why can’t they see the film on Sunday afternoon?   A. Mary has to go shopping.      B. Eric doesn’t like the film.   C. Carlos has to catch the train.   D. There is no film that day. IV. 短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分)   A) 根据所听短文内容,选择描述正确的图片回答问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 21. When will they have dinner together?

22. What is difficult to find near the school?

23. Which map is mentioned (被提及的) in the passage?

24. Where is the bank?

25. What’s the house number of the writer?

B) 听短文,根据其内容选择最佳选项回答下列各题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 26. Which of the following statements is RIGHT?   A. I like neither shopping nor window shopping.   B. I like shopping but not window shopping.   C. I like window shopping but not real shopping.   D. I like both shopping and window shopping. 27. How do I learn about new changes in fashion and style?   A. By opening a shop.       B. By window shopping.   C. By talking to people.      D. By watching people. 28. What can I sometimes buy when I’m out window shopping?   A. Something at a good price.   B. Something very expensive.   C. Something beautiful.      D. Something easy to find. 29. For the same thing, what differs from shop to shop according to the passage?   A. Names.     B. Prices.     C. Colours.    D. Numbers. 30. What can I always get in Smith’s?   A. Beautiful clothes.       B. Nice pens.   C. Fresh fruit and vegetables.   D. Interesting books.


VII. 写作(Writing)(共2小题,计25分;A部分10分,B部分15分) 


  Linda有一个新房子,她和Barry正在电话里谈论这个房子。请根据此情景,结合所给图片编写一段她们之间的对话。(答案写在答题纸上) 要求: 1. 发挥想象,将图片中的信息体现在对话中; 2. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清楚; 3. 不得少于50词。


  在生活和学习中,你的父母为你制定了哪些家规(house rules)呢?请你以The House Rules为题写一篇小作文来介绍一下你的家规。(答案写在答题纸上)    要求: 1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清楚;       2. 不得少于60词。

      3. 不得少于50词。


   在生活和学习中,你的父母为你制定了哪些家规(house rules)呢?请你以The House Rules为题写一篇小作文来介绍一下你的家规。(答案写在答题纸上)    要求:  1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范、清楚;           2. 不得少于60词。


Part I. Words   Choose the word you hear in the sentence. Each sentence will be read only once. 1. Please give your grandmother that funny photo. 2. There are not many children in the shop. 3. Look at that new piano. It’s Lucy’s. 4. The busy men in the room are my father’s friends. 5. Can my cousin play with a toy car on the floor?

Part II. Sentences   Choose the sentence which has the same or similar meaning as the sentence you hear. Each sentence will be read only once. 6. Tom walks to school with his sister Lily every day. 7. Jim’s favourite day is Sunday. 8. Nick can play volleyball but he can’t play it very well. 9. Let’s have breakfast at six forty. 10. There is a dog in Picture One. Colour it black, please.

Part III. Dialogues   A) You will hear five dialogues. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue. Each dialogue will be read twice. 11. W: Is the watch on the table yours or Mike’s, Edward?    M: It’s not mine and Mike’s is under the table.    W: Then whose watch is it?    M: Oh, it’s our P.E. teacher’s.    Q: Whose watch is on the table? 12. W: What’re those in the desk?    M: They’re pens, pencils and a bag.    W: Put the pens in that box.    M: OK.    Q: Where’re the pens now? 13. W: Bill, let’s go and watch the movie.    M: It’s 7:00 p.m. It’s too late to watch it.    W: Late? It’s only 6:20 p.m. now.    M: Oh, let’s go!    Q: What time is it now? 14. W: Who’re the girls beside your mother, Tom?    M: The one in red is my sister and the one in a hat is my sister’s friend.    W: Oh, they are very beautiful.    Q: Who’s the girl in a hat? 15. W: Is math your favourite subject, Tim?    M: No, it is difficult for me.    W: Then it’s English, isn’t it?    M: No, it’s art.    Q: What’s Tim’s favourite subject?   B) Choose the right answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. The dialogue will be read twice.    W: Who is it?    M: Lily, it is me, your classmate, Bob.    W: Come in, please, Bob.    M: Are your parents in?    W: No, they are at my uncle’s home. Only my sister and I are at home.    M: Well, do you have a computer? Mine doesn’t work.    W: Certainly. It’s a new one. It’s in my bedroom.    M: Can I use it to send an email to my mother?    W: Of course. Where’s your mother now?    M: She’s in America on holiday.    W: Wow, cool. This way please, Bob.    M: Thank you.

Part IV. Passages   A) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage. The passage will be read twice.

  My name is Akemi. I’m from Japan. I’m a doctor in a hospital. I can speak a little English. I want to learn it for my job. So I study it on Sundays. I have a big family. I have three brothers and a sister. They are all students. My father is a worker and my mother doesn’t work. I like music and sports. I watch a football match on TV with my family every Saturday night.   B) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage. The passage will be read twice.

  Class 7 is going to start an English club next week. We welcome students from other classes to this club. We want to meet at the same time every week and there will be films in English twice a month. These films are free for everyone. Mr Brown lets us use Room 12 on Wednesday afternoons. If you want to know more about the club, please call Mr White at 379-6542. See you next Wednesday at 4:30!


I. 辨音(Words) (共5小题,计5分)    选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上)

1. A. funny   B. grandfather C. telephone   D. young 2. A. their   B. ship     C. child     D. shop 3. A. news   B. piano     C. let      D. Lucy 4. A. busy   B. mine     C. brother’s   D. classroom 5. A. class   B. door     C. play      D. tall

II. 句子理解(Sentences)(共5小题,计5分)    选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。每个句子只读一遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 6. A. Tom and Lily go to school on foot every day.   B. Tom and Lily walk home every day.   C. Tom goes to school by bike with Lily every day.   D. Tom and Lily study in the same school. 7. A. Jim doesn’t like Sunday.     B. Today is Sunday.   C. Jim likes Sunday best.   D. Sunday is a good day. 8. A. Nick can play volleyball well.   B. Nick isn’t good at playing volleyball.   C. Nick likes playing volleyball very much.   D. Nick wants to play volleyball this afternoon. 9. A. Let’s get up at half past six.   B. Let’s have a rest at six forty.   C. Let’s have breakfast at twenty to seven.   D. Let’s have a birthday party at six thirty. 10. A. The dog in Picture One is black.    B. Picture One is beautiful. There is a dog in it.    C. Colour the dog in Picture One black, please.    D. The dog in Picture One is my sister’s. III. 对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)    A) 听五组对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳选项回答问题。对话和问题读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 11. A. Mike’s.             B. Edward’s.    C. Mine.               D. The P.E. teacher’s. 12. A. On the desk.           B. In the box.    C. In the bag.            D. In the desk. 13. A. It’s 7:00 p.m.          B. It’s 6:15 p.m.    C. It’s 6:00 p.m.          D. It’s 6:20 p.m. 14. A. She is Tom’s sister.       B. She is Tom’s friend.    C. She is Tom’s sister’s friend. D. She is Tom’s mother. 15. A. Art.      B. Math.      C. English.     D. Chinese.    B) 听一组对话, 根据所听内容选择最佳选项回答下列问题。对话读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 16. Where are Lily’s parents?   A. They are in their bedroom.      B. They are in Lily’s bedroom.   C. They are at Lily’s uncle’s home. D. They are in America. 17. What is Lily’s computer like?   A. It’s new.     B. It’s old.   C. It doesn’t work. D. It’s like Bob’s. 18. What does Bob use the computer to do?   A. Send an email.   B. Play games.

  C. Do his homework.  D. Listen to music. 19. Which country is Bob’s mother in now?   A. England.      B. America.   C. China.       D. Japan. 20. Which of the following sentences is RIGHT according to the passage?   A. Bob is Lily’s brother.        B. Bob doesn’t have a computer.   C. Lily’s computer is in her bedroom. D. Lily’s sister isn’t at home. IV. 短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分)    A) 根据你所听到的短文内容, 选择最佳答案回答下列问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 21. Where does Akemi work?

22. Why does Akemi study English?   A. Because she likes it very much.   B. Because she wants to go to England.   C. Because she learns it for her job. D. Because her father wants her to learn it. 23. How many people are there in Akemi’s family?   A. Seven.   B. Eight.    C. Six.    D. Five. 24. What does Akemi’s mother do?   A. She’s a doctor. B. She’s a teacher.   C. She’s a worker. D. She is a housewife. 25. What does Akemi watch on TV every Saturday night?   A. A movie.   B. A football match.  C. Games.   D. Beijing Opera.    B) 根据你所听到的短文内容, 选择最佳答案回答下列问题。短文读两遍。(答案涂在答题纸上) 26. What kind of club is it?   A. English club.   B. Math club.    C. Sports club.   D. Art club. 27. Where do the students meet every week?   A. Class 8.     B. Room 20.     C. Class 7.     D. Room 12. 28. What’s Mr White’s telephone number?   A. It’s 379-6552. B. It’s 379-6542. C. It’s 397-6552. D. It’s 397-6542. 29. What time do the students meet on Wednesdays?   A. 4:00.       B. 4:30.       C. 5:30.       D. 6:00. 30. Which of the following sentences is WRONG according to the passage? A. Class 7 is going to start the club.    B. All the films are in English. C. Students must pay (付钱) for the films.  D. The club begins next Wednesday.







