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   Everyone in our school loves sports. Every morning ___1___ we get up, we do morning exercises. After the second class we do exercises again. We only have ___2___ classes twice a week, but we do physical training at five every afternoon. The most popular sport is basketball. The ___3___ enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it, too. ___4___ popular sport is football and in every class there ___5___ a lot of football fans. Volleyball is often played when the weather is ___6___. We have basketball, football and volleyball teams in school. Our teams often ___7___ friendship matches with teams from other schools. When there is a match, ___8___ of us go to watch it and cheer for our side.

   Besides ball games, some of us like track and field events(田径项目), ___9___ we often practice running, jumping and throwing. Every term we have tests in these events and once a year, we hold a sports meeting.

   Sports help us to keep ___10___.

  1. (   )

   A. while              B. when        C. before           D. after

  2. (   )

   A. English         B. Chinese      C. P. E.         D. music

  3. (   )

   A. teacher          B. boys         C. students      D. people

  4. (   )

   A. Some other          B. Other           C. Another      D. The other

  5. (   )

   A. are             B. is               C. were         D. was

  6. (   )

   A. shining          B. rainy        C. fine         D. wet

  7. (   )

   A. see             B. have         C. look at          D. watch

  8. (   )

   A. several          B. few         C. a few           D. many

  9. (   )

   A. because         B. but          C. or           D. and

  10. (   )

   A. thirsty and hungry               B. healthy and happy

   C. fat and tired                   D. thin and weak


5. 林涛坐在黎明和魏华之间。

   Lin Tao sits __________ Li Ming __________ Wei Hua.


4. 请把书桌搬到教室去。

   Please __________ the desk __________ the classroom.


3. 杰克通常星期六打鼓。

   Jack usually __________ __________ __________ on Saturdays.


2. 吉姆的生日在六月。

   Jim’s __________ is __________ June.


1. 他们想参加棒球俱乐部。

   They __________ __________ __________ the baseball club.


5. Can you look at the blackboard? (改为祈使句)

   __________ at the blackboard, __________.


4. Tom comes home after school. (改为一般疑问句)

   __________ Tom __________ home after school?

