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1. in the room, now



Mr.Smith is a good teacher. He is   1  . There   2  fifty students in   3   class. Mr. Green and his students are   4  friends, too.

Now some of the students  5    on the playground. Bill and Mike   6   . Tom and John are jumping. Mary and Lucy are   7   a kite.  8   girls are playing   9   . Mr.Smith is playing   10  hem.

1.(    ) A. beautiful           B. happy            C. kind             D. any

2.(    ) A. is                B. are              C. some             D. any

3.(    ) A. their              B. her              C. its               D. his

4.(    ) A. good              B. fine             C. nice             D. all right

5.(    ) A. play              B. is playing         C. are playing        D. are play

6.(    ) A. run                  B. running           C. are running        D. not run

7.(    ) A. flying             B. doing            C. playing           D. sitting

8.(    ) A. Others             B. Another           C. The other         D. Other

9.(    ) A. the football         B. a football         C. games           D. the game

10.(    ) A. and              B. with             C. for              D. to


M-Mother;   J-Jane

M: Jane! Jane! It’s time to get up.

J:  _________1____________

M: It’s 7:30.

J:  _________2____________

M: Don’t worry, Jane. You can go to school with your father.

J:  _________3____________

M: He often goes to work by bus. But he is going to work by car today.

J: Car? Oh, I almost forget. _________4____________

M: So you can go to school by car today!

J:  _________5____________

A. How do you go to school?
B.    We have a new car.
C.    Yes, that’s great.
D. Oh! I’m late.
E.    How is he going to work today?
F. What time is it, mom?
G. It’s too early.

1.___________  2.___________ 3._____________ 4. ____________ 5.__________


5. I don’t like this motorcycle because it’s too old. (同上)

                      you like this motorcycle?


4. He usually goes to Beijing by sea. (同上)

                    he usually go to Beijing?


3. We play the piano twice a week.(同上)

                     do you play the piano?


2. It’s Friday today.(同上)

                      is it today?


1. They’re having a music class.(就划线部分提问)

          class           they having?

