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8. 对某人讲得又慢又大声  speak slowly and loudly to sb(宾格).

slowly 和loudly为副词,副词修饰动词。


7. It’s +adj. + to do sth

  学习英语很难。It’s very difficult to learn English.


6. 早到这儿 get here early    晚到那儿 arrive there late

  坐在黑板前sit in front of the blackboard   在教室后面at the back of the classroom


5. 在每周六上午九点半  at 9:30 am every Saturday


4. 位移动词用现在进行时表示将来时。如:她将去学校。

She is going to school.  She is leaving for school.


3. What Olympic sports do you like?   Football is my favourite sport.

Why do you like it?   I like it because it’s exciting


dangerous 危险的----- safe 安全的   danger / safety n.

difficult  难的------ easy 容易的      exciting 激动人心的------ boring 枯燥的

expensive 昂贵的------ cheap 便宜的    popular 受欢迎的------ unpopular 不受欢迎的

relaxing 放松的------ tiring 累人的   badly(worse, worst) 坏地------ well(better, best) 好地

carefully 认真地------ carelessly 粗心地     late 晚------ early 早

loudly 大声地------ quietly 安静地

2. be good at sth 擅长某事   be good at doing sth 擅长做某事

例如:我哥哥擅长篮球。  My brother is good at basketball.

我哥哥擅长打蓝球。   My brother is good at playing basketball.


7.I do some e________(练习)  and have a little breakfast every morning

8 what would you like to eat?  I would like a b_____ of noodles

9 He is u_______ because Jim didn't invite him to the party

10 The flood(洪水) d________(毁坏) the village  last year



 内容包括:1.their life   2. why  they are famous  3. what they did   4.  why you like them

要求:字迹工整,条理清晰。 不少于60字




6.she e_____ (进入) the room just now


     现在是晚上7点种,你的一家人正在做着各自的事情, 请根据此背景写一篇短文,可以进行围绕主题的适当发挥。

   要求层次清楚,语言连贯,书写规范。 不少于50词。



 1 on the phone     

 2 lie  on the beach  

 3  talk to    

 4 穿上(衣服)      5下班             

 6 不同的地点

 7  玩的高兴              

 8  等候          9 在这个时刻

