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My dearest Aunt Mei lives in the  1  . She grows  2   there and sells them in town. Sometimes she can’t sell out all her vegetables,  3   she brings(带来)some to us. Aunt Mei is old and short, but she’s very  4  . She can walk  5  .

Aunt Mei has no  6  , and she lives with her only white cat. Every summer, I go to stay with her for a week or two. She often  7   me to a farm nearby(在附近). Life in the country is interesting. I can go fishing, and I can  8   birds singing. But Aunt Mei doesn’t  9   me swim. She says it’s dangerous.

Now the farmers(农民)don’t do farm work  10   animals. They use tractors. All of them look happy.

1.(   ) A. farm         B. school           C. country          D. town

2.(   ) A. vegetables     B. rice          C. wheat               D. animal

3.(   ) A. but              B. so           C. or              D. and

4.(   ) A. fine             B. good        C. happy               D. interesting

5.(   ) A. slowly           B. fast         C. near             D. far

6.(   ) A. money           B. food         C. home            D. children

7.(   ) A. brings        B. takes        C. lets             D. wants

8.(   ) A. look             B. read         C. listen            D. hear

9.(   ) A. agree         B. like          C. let              D. ask

10.(   ) A. for             B. with         C. from            D. between


The islands of Fiji(斐济岛)are in the Pacific Ocean(太平洋). The fishermen(渔夫)of Fiji live in small villages(村庄)near the sea. These villages are  1   beautiful. Happy  2   play under the palm trees(棕榈树). The islanders build their  3   on big stones(石头)and does not go into the houses. The islanders  4   their roofs(屋顶)  5   coconut leaves(椰子树叶). They cover their  6   with mats(垫子). The fishermen make their canoes(独木舟)from  7   trunks(树干). They go from island  8   island and collect turtles eggs. They catch  9   fish with nets(网)  10   with spears(矛).

1.(   ) A. very         B. much        C. many        D. too much

2.(   ) A. child     B. children      C. childs           D. childrens

3.(   ) A. families       B. houses           C. homes           D. countries

4.(   ) A. do           B. cook         C. make        D. put

5.(   ) A. for           B. of           C. with         D. on

6.(   ) A. doors     B. windows     C. roofs        D. floors

7.(   ) A. flower        B. grass        C. plant        D. tree

8.(   ) A. on           B. to              C. at              D. in

9.(   ) A. his           B. their         C. her          D. our

10.(   ) A. but         B. for          C. or           D. as


A: Excuse me,  1  ?

B: Yes.  2  . You’ll find it on your right.

A:  3  ?

B: It’s about 1000 metres away,  4  .

A: Where’s the bus stop?

B: It’s over there on the other side of the street.

A: Thanks a lot.

B:  5  .

A: Is there a pay phone near here
B: How far(远)is it
C: You can take a taxi there on the other side of the street
D: You’d better(你最好)take a bus
E: You’re welcome
F: Where’s the pay phone, please
G: Go along the street and turn right at the bookshop

  1. _________  2. _________    3. _________    4. _________    5. _________


6. _________       7. _________       8. _________       9. _________       10. ________


friend  kind  build  grass elephant  smart  like do  friendly  but

I’m a  1   of animal named  2  . I come from India. I am strong  3  . I’m the heaviest(最重的)animal on land(陆地上). I  4   eating  5  . I’m  6   and intelligent. I can help people  7   many things. I’m your  8  . Many people are  9   to us.  10   I’m sad that some people kill(杀死)many of us for our teeth(牙齿).

1. _________       2. _________       3. _________       4. _________       5. _________


15. __________ she medium height and _________ she wear glasses?

A. Has, is          B. Is, has           C. Is, does      D. Has, does


14. -Joe _________ her mother. -Yes. She has curly hair, too.

A. looks at      B. looks like     C. looks for     D. looks after


13. Is this elephant __________ China or ________ India?

A. from, to      B. from, from       C. to, to        D. at, in


12. The girl __________ sunglasses is my friend Ann.

A. wear        B. is wearing        C. put on           D. with


11. -Are there any students in the classroom? -No. __________ there.

A. Nobody is       B. Someone is       C. Nobody isn’t  D. Someone isn’t


10. Please remember __________ my mother.

A. tell          B. tells         C. to tell           D. telling

