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4. We played from breakfast t______ lunch.


3. Today the w______ was cool, so we decided to play tennis.


2. U______, my kite broke, so I didn’t have much fun.



1. That made me f______ very happy.


15.(   ). ---What ______ they doing?  ---They _____studying.

    A. are, are   B. is, is   C. was, are   D. are, do


14.(   )_______ you ________ soccer over the weekend? 

A. Did, played  B. Do, played  C. Did, play  D. Did, plaied


13. Did you go shopping yesterday?  _________.

A Yes, I do  B Yes, I did  C Yes, I am  D No, I couldn’t


11.---__________ ? 

---He did some reading at home.

A. What does your father do yesterday evening 

B .What does your brother do in the school

C. What did your brother do over the weekend

D. Where did your brother go last Sunday

(    ) 12. I cleaned my classroom ____________.

A. with three hours   B. three hours ago

C.  in three hours    D .three hours before


10. On Sunday morning I helped my mother ____  the cooking.

    A. do   B. to doing   C. does   D. doing


8. “You are a very beautiful girl.”   “________”

    A. No, I’m not.   B. Sorry, I don’t.  C. Thank you.   D. Yes, I do.

(   )9  He didn’t have_____ money for a taxi, ______ he walked back to the hotel.

    A. any, and   B. much, because  C. any, so     D. some, so

