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3.-What language do you speak? - ________.

A.   Only a little. B. Yes I do.  C. No I don’t D. French and English.


2. He comes from _______. He’s _________.

A.   Japan, Japan B. Japanese ,Japanese C. Japan , Japanese D. Japanese, Japan



1. -Is your pen pal_______ America or Canada?  -Canada.

A. come from  B. from   C. comes from  D. be from



1.Sydney is in ______ ________..

2.I’m_______ years old and my birthday is in ______.

3.The _______ ________is on Center Street.

4.The library is ________ _______ a supermarket.

5.I like pandas________ they’re_________.


1.Why has John come here?

A.   Because he wants to be in hospital?

B.    Because he has a pen pal there.

C.    Because he wants to find a pen pal .

2.What does the woman’s pen pal do?

A.   He is a man.

B.    He is a worker.

C.    He is a farmer.

3.Does Mary like her dog very much?

A.   Yes, she does.

B.    No, she doesn’t.

C.    Yes, she likes it a little.

4.What kind of pen pal does Tom want to have?

A.   A pen pal likes koalas.

B.    A pen pal looks like koalas.

C.    A pen pal lives with koalas.

5.Why does Mr Clark go to the zoo?

A.   He likes lions very much.

B.    The animals there are very lonely.

C.    Many animals like elephants, tigers, lions….are very cute.

III.听录音, 根据短文内容,完成下面的表格。(5%)

Favorite color
Lives in
Ottawa, Canada
Lucky number
Speaks language
Favorite subject
Favorite band
Back Street Boys



  Do you think everyone  1   their weekends? Old Henry does  2  . Last month, he went  3   a walk   4  Wang Wang, his cute dog. It was a nice day and old Henry was happy. He  5   down and watched Wang Wang

    6   with a friendly black cat.

  Then it was time to go home. Old Henry  7   for his dog. “Wang Wang!” But Wang Wang wasn’t there. Now old Henry is very  8   . He has no dog and  9   family. He  10 want to do anything.

(  )1. A. enjoy  B. enjoyed  C. enjoys  D. enjoying

(  )2. A. not  B. no  C. any  D. so

(  )3. A. to  B. for  C. on  D. in    

(  )4. A. and  B. or   C. with  D. has  

(  )5. A. sit  B. sits  C. sitting  D. sat

(  )6. A. play  B. plays  C. to play  D. played 

(  )7. A. looking  B. looks  C. to look  D. looked 

(  )8.A.sad  B. happy C. luck D. lucky

(  )9.A. not   B. any   C. no  D. some  

(  )10.A. didn’t B. don’t  C. doesn’t D. isn’t


   Many years ago, in a small town, there lived a doctor. He was good  

  1   kind. He was always ready to help people. People always went to

him   2   they were ill.

   Many years later, the doctor became old. He began to forget (忘记)things. People   3    afraid and did not go to see him.

   The doctor asked,“Why does   4   come to me now?”

   No one wanted to tell him why because they did not want to make him sad.   5   they said,“Everybody is healthy(健康的) in the town now.”

(  ) 1.A. and     B. so     C. or    D. but

(  ) 2.A. after    B. where   C. when   D. and

(  ) 3.A. was     B. were    C. is    D. are

(  ) 4.A. everybody  B. anybody  C. nobody  D. somebody

(  ) 5.A. As     B. For    C. Because  D. So


  Last week, we   1  ten students  2   No. 3 Middle School what they

3    last weekend.   4  most kids, the weekend was fun. Ten kids did

5  or  6   . On Saturday afternoon, five kids  went  7   , and three went to the library. Two kids also played computer   8   . On Saturday evening, seven kids watched a movie or   9   at home and watched TV. On Sunday, two kids visited friends, nine kids cleaned 10   rooms, and five played sports.

(  )1.A. asked  B. asking  C. ask  D. asks 

(  )2. A. in B. at  C. for  C. of

(  )3.A. doing  B. does  C. did  D. do  

(  )4. A. On  B. In  C. To  D. For

(  )5.A. many homework B. houseworks  C. homeworks  D. homework

(  )6.A. study B. studied C. studying D. to study

(  )7.A. shoping B. shop C. shopping D. shops 

(  )8.A. game B. games C. gameing D. gaming

(  )9.A. stays  B. staying C. to stay D. stayed 

(  )10.A. there B. his C. her D. their


   This is our school library. It is   1  from 8:30   2   11:30 in the morning and from 2:00 to 5:00 in the  3   . Our school library is not very   4   . It has only two reading-rooms and about 2000 books. We often come here   5   class. You can   6   one book at a time, and keep it   7   two weeks. In the reading-rooms, there are many desks and

  8   . We can sit there reading books   9   doing our homework. It’s

a   10   place for us students.

(  ) 1. A. on     B. open    C. quiet    D. in

(  ) 2. A. to     B. in     C. at     D. on

(  ) 3. A. morning  B. afternoon  C. evening   D. night

(  ) 4. A. small   B. big     C. clean    D. dirty

(  ) 5. A. after   B. on     C. in     D. at

(  ) 6. A. buy    B. see     C. read    D. borrow(借)

(  ) 7. A. after   B. with    C. for     D. under

(  ) 8. A. chairs   B. teachers  C. students  D. books

(  ) 9. A. and    B. or     C. then    D. in

(  ) 10. A. now    B. old     C. good    D. bad


24. 孩子们喜欢在冬天玩雪.

   The children like to __________ ___________snow in winter.


23. 他会说一点儿日语.

   He can speak _________ __________ Japanese.


22. 我不喜欢照相.

   I don’t like _____________ ___________.


21. 不要在教室里吃东西.

   ____________ __________ in the classroom.


20. 你对情景喜剧有什么看法?

   ________________ do you think ________ sitcoms?

