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4.(    ) There _________a bank _________the library and the supermarket.

        A. has, next to         B. have, in        C. are, behind         D. is, between


3.(    ) The hotel is across _______the post office, 8 hundred meters away _____ our school.

        A. between, from      B. behind, to          C. from, from       D. to, of


2.(    ) I get up at 6:10 ________ the morning, but ________ weekends at 8:00.

        A. in, on           B. on, in           C. at, from      D. in, at


1.(    ) My pen pal John is ______ the United States, he _____English very well.

        A. for, talks    B. from, speaks        C. at, says           D. in, tells



   (   )1. What day is it today?

       A. Saturday      B. Sunday       C. Friday

 (   )2. How is the weather?

       A. It’s sunny      B. It’s cloudy      C. It’s windy

   (   )3. -_______are drinking tea under a big tree.

      A. Mr Green ‘s family   B. some men     C. some women

 (   )4. A girl _____is reading  a book..

     A. near the house     B. in the boat小船     C. under the big tree.

   (   )5. _______ are singing .

      A. lots of birds    B. many girls      C. the Greens


(   ) 6. What was the first day like?

       A. Cloudy     B.  Rainy       C.  A  and  B

(   ) 7. How did Li Ming go to the museum?

       A. by bus       B. by taxi      C.on foot

(   ) 8. What didn’t Li Ming do on the second day?

      A. She played soccer.    B. She swam    C. She skateboarded.

(   ) 9. Who did Li Ming go to see?

      A. her friends      B. he aunt snd uncle    C. her teacher

(   ) 10. What movie did they see that evening?

       A. comedy       B. thriller        C. documentary


(  )1  A 、In the hotel   B、In the supermarket   C、In the street

 (  ) 2  A 、Dolphins    B、Koalas        C、Giraffes

   (  ) 3  A 、Carrots     B、Beefs and onions   C、Cabbages and mutton 

 (  ) 4  A 、A  bank clerk   B、A shop assistant   C 、A  policewoman

   (  ) 5  A 、She’s shopping  B、She’s having lunch   C、She’s talking to his friend                                                         


1.(   ) A.、yes,It’s over there.It’s about ten minutes’walk.

B.、Sorry,I don’t know.please ask the policeman over there.

C 、Excuse me,it’s near here.

2.(   )  A、penguins    B、noodles with mutton.   C、singapore

3.(   )  A、I’d like tomatoes and eggs.

B、I’d like onions in the noodles.

C、I’d like a medium bowl of noodles.

4.(   )  A、She works in the post office.

B、She’s working in the hospital.

C、She wants to be a bank clerk.

5.(   )  A、It’s running in the zoo     B、It is cloudy and sunny.

C、It is very exciting and funny.



M: Hello, Jodie!

W: Hi, Sam! How is your new school?

M: It’s great and it’s near your house.

W: Is it on Apple Street?

M: No, it’s on Banana Street. In the neighborhood of the school, there is a beautiful park.

W: That sounds good. Is there a bookshop?

M: Yes, it’s across from my school. And there is a restaurant next to my school.

W: So you often have lunch there, right?

M: Yes. I hope to see you there, too.


M: Hello, madam! This is Xicheng Police Station. Can I help you?

W: Yes. It’s about my daughter, Sandy. She goes to school this morning, and she doesn’t come back yet. It’s already eleven o’clock and…

M: What’s your name and address?

W: Mrs Read, 57 Zhongshan Road.

M: How old is your daughter?

W: She is only six years old.

M: And what does she look like?

W: She has blue eyes and long hair…

M: What’s she wearing today?

W: She’s wearing a red coat, brown pants and black shoes.

M: OK. We’ll do our best to find her and telephone you as soon as possible.

W: Thank you. Goodbye!


I.   1-5. BBCCB  

II.     6-10. BACCB  11-15.CCAAC  

III.  16-20. ACACB

IV.    21-25. CDBBB  26-30. CBACC   31-35. BCBAD

   36-40. ABCBA  41-45. CCDCB   46-50. ACDBA

V.  51-55. CCDCB   56-60. DADBB

VI.  61-65. DCCAD   66-70. DBACB 

71-75. ABCCC   76-80. DBBCA

VII.  81-85. CBAED

   86-90. look, has, actors, with, medium

VIII.  91-95. always, Fifth, Nobody, behind, lying

   96-100. studies, cloudy, friendly, leaves, children

IX.  101-105. ADBCA

X.  写作(略)


6. M: Lucy, When do you go to school?

  W: I go to school at seven fifteen.

7. M: Mum, can I go out to play basketball?

  W: Yes. It’s sunny.

8. W: Are they watching TV or reading books?

M: They are reading books

9. M: HanMei, what do you want to be ?

  W: I want to be a teacher because I like children.

10. W: Excuse me ,where is the library?

  M: It’s over there , It’s next to Hongxing Hotel.

11. M: What does Mr. Brown look like?

  W: He is not very tall or heavy, but his son is very tall.

12. M: I think you speak English very well. Are you from the United States?

  W: Thank you, sir. But I’ m an Australian.

13. M: Hello! May I speak to Amy?

  W: Hello! This is Amy speaking. Who’s that?

14. M: What animals do you like, Kelly?

  W: I like pandas. They are really cute.

15. M: Do you like the cold weather in winter?

  W: Yes, I do.

  M; Why?

  W: Because I can play with the snow at that time.


1.    My mother works in a bank.

2.    Don’t go out , It’s rainy today.

3.    My friend Lily likes dolphins very much

4.    Look! The children are cleaning the room.

5. My new English teacher is from the United Kingdom.

