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8.The man    (和) his students is Mr Lin.


7.My      (最喜爱的) drink is Coca Cola.


6.We can    (看见) some trees near the house.


5. David___________(学会)a lot about Chinese history.


4. There are many___________(学生)in the classroom.


3. I like volleyball games; Jack likes them, __________(也)


2. I think Bill Gates is a very___________(成功的)businessman商人


1. Cheng Long and Li Lianjie are great__________(演员)


Dialogue A

1.What do the husband and wife夫妇 want to do this weekend?

A.To go to a movie   B.To go to a party   C.To watch TV at home

2.What movie do they want to see?

 A.Thrillers      edies     C.Action movies

3.How much is a ticket?

 A.10 dollars       B.20 dollars     C.30 dollars

  Dialogue B

4.What does the husband think of the movie?

 A.Exciting and interesting    B.Interesting     C.Boring.

5.Why doesn’t the wife like the movie at all?

 A.It’s too expensive太贵    B.It has a sad story  C.It’s too long


1.A.No, thank you.            B.Sorry, I can’t.

C.I’m glad to, but I’m busy.忙的

2.A.I want 2 tickets票for children.    B.Sorry, I have no time.没时间

C.This way,please.这边请

3.A.It’s not expensive贵的        B.It begins开始at 7:00 p.m.

  C.Yes, it’s my favorite.

4.A.30 yuan, please.           B.Exciting

  C.That’s a good seat好位子for movie

5.A.With my father            B.Documentary     

  C.Long and boring.

