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2.This is our f       lesson. So I don’t know all your names.


1.W     back to school!


5.(  ) The writer didn’t understand the two Englishmen because _______.

A. he was a foreigner    B. they didn’t speak English

C. he didn’t learn English well  D. they were new here.


4.(  ) When you ask the way, you must say “_______” first.

    A. Thank you  B. Excuse me  C. Hello  D. How are you


3.(  ) The second man might be _______.

    A. a cleaner  B. a teacher  C. a doctor  D. a policeman


2.(  ) The writer asked _______ about the way to ______.

A. two women; a bookshop    B. two men; a post office

C. two women; a hospital     D. two men; a factory


1.(  ) Where did the writer come from? _______.

    A. Canada  B. Australia  C. China  D. We don’t know.


5.(   ) What does some of students do after 4:30?

A.play basketball  B. play football  C. play pingpong  D. Both B and C


  Three years ago, I worked in London for half an hour. It was the first time I went there, so I didn’t know the way. I always needed some help. But I found some Englishmen couldn’t help me.

  One day, I wanted to go to a post office. I asked an old man about the way. “Excuse me, is there a post office near here?” I asked. The old man turned back, looked at me and said something quickly. When he found I couldn’t understand him, he took out a piece of paper and wrote down “sorry, I don’t know. I ‘m new here.” “Thank you all the same.” I said to him and walked on. Another man was on the street. He was working busily. A big broom was in his hand. I went to him and asked, “Excuse me, where is the nearest post office, please?” He didn’t answer me carefully and clearly. “I am a foreigner(外国人).” I said. This time, he showed me the way more slowly. But I couldn’t understand him, either. My teacher never spoke English like that.

  I wonder(奇怪), in English, each man speaks a different language. The English understand each other, but I don’t understand them. Do they speak English?


4.(   ) After class the students often go to _______

A. their classroom  B. their homes  C. the hill to see animals  D. the playground to play


3.(   ) There are at least _______ students in one class.

     A. 45  B. 55  C. 65  D. 75

