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(   )_________1. On their way to home, they found a small cat in the tree.

             A    B      C       D

(   )_________2. The little girl said that she doesn’t afraid of  fire at all.

                       A     B   C   D

(   )_________3. Did you do anything for your own safe?

              A   B   C      D

(   )_________4. How often do you hear a letter from your parents?

            A    B   C      D

(    )_________5. I have nothing do this evening. Shall we go shopping?

              A   B       C    D

(   )________ 6. Daniel always thinks of others first. How a good boy

A    B    C 

he is


(  )________ 7. The doctor said he can’t do anything to help the old man.                       A  B   C     D

(   )_________8. It’s said that there will be a parent’s meeting tomorrow .

             A      B    C    D

(    )_________ 9. She’s clever and cheerful and sometimes does not do

                 A     B      C    D

            her best.

(    )_________ 10. I need a person teach my daughter how to draw.

                A   B        C   D


12.  昨天一位80岁的老太太在街上迷了路。她向我求助。

Yesterday an ___________ woman ___________ ___________ __________ in the street. She __________ __________ for____________.


11.  我想打网球而不想独自呆在家里。

I want to play tennis ____________ ___________ ___________ at home ___________.


10.  当你外出时,不要让门开着。

 Don’t __________ your door ____________ when you go out.


9.    丹尼尔考虑很周到,他总是想到别人先于自己。

Daniel is very ____________, and he always __________ ___________ others before ____________.


8.    如果你尽力的话,你在地理学科上能取得更好的成绩。

If you ___________ your __________ , you can ___________ __________ __________ in Geography.


7.    我们必须更多地使用英语。

We should __________ English __________ __________.


6.    你能在五分钟内画完一匹马吗?

_________ you _________ to _________ __________ a horse __________ five minutes.


5.    昨天我们未能踢足球,因为西蒙忘了带足球。

We __________ play football yesterday ___________ Simon _________ ________ ________ a football.


4.    我们应该告诫孩子们远离危险。

We should____________ our children ________ _________ __________ ________ _________.

