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33. I’m in ______________.

A. grade 1, class 2             B. Class 2, Grade 1    

C. Grade 1, Class 2             D. one grade, two class


32. This is an old picture _____ my family.

    A. with         B. of           C. to           D. four



31. ---- Is Han Meimei an _____ girl?.

---- No, she isn’t.

A. Chinese      B. English          C. Japanese    D. French


29. is not(缩写)_____________      30. Tom(所有格形式)_________


27. picture(近义词)___________     28. right(同音词)_____________


25. old(反义词)______________     26. their(主格)________________


23. he(名词性物主代词)_______     24. China(形容词)____________



21. baby(复数)_______________     22. she(宾格)________________



(  ) 1. A. right            B. white               C. light

(  ) 2. A. Kate            B. grade               C. kite

(  ) 3. A. heavy               B. very            C. every

(  ) 4. A. see              B. three            C. meet

(  ) 5. A. six              B. box             C. bus

B) 反应:根据所听到的句子,选择正确的答语补全对话。

(  ) 6. A. I don’t know.     B. No, she isn’t.     C. Yes, she is.

(  ) 7. A. Lucy does.       B. Lily is.          C. We have.

(  ) 8. A. Yes, I am.        B. Yes, I do.        C. Yes, I can.

(  ) 9. A. No, it’s new.      B. No, it’s old.      C. Yes, it’s different.

(  )10. A. I’m in Grade One.               B. I’m in the same class.

       C. I’m in Class One.

C) 理解:根据听到的对话及针对该对话所提问题,选出能回答该问题的最佳答案。

(  ) 11. A. He is at school.   B. He is not in.      C. He is in his room.

(  ) 12. A. Eight.          B. Nine.            C. Ten.

(  ) 13. Lucy’s.             B. Kate’s.          C. My teacher’s.

(  ) 14. An apple.          B. An orange.       C. I don’t know.

(  ) 15. A. Kate.           B. Lucy.               C. Han Mei.

D) 听写:根据录音,补全对话。

A: Hello! 5527788.

B: Hello? Jim?

A: No,  16  is Mike.

B: Hi, Mike. This is Tom.  17   are you?

A: Fine, thanks.  18   you?

B: I’m fine, too. Is Jim  19  ?

A: Sorry. He is   20   at home.

B: OK. Thank you. Bye!

A: Bye!


1.Make  your  family  tree.


