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22、(  )-What colour is your coat?

- It’s       .

A. an orange      B. oranges     C. orange    D. a orange



21、(  )This is the twins’ bedroom.  We can see ________beds .

A、May’ s and Joy’s      B、 May’ s and Joy

C、May and Joy       D、 May and Joy’s



 (  )16. How many people are there in my family?

A. Four.      B. Five.       C. Six.

 (  )17. How old is my elder brother?

A. Nine.      B. Fifteen.      C. Thirteen.

 (  )18. What does my father do?

A. A teacher.     B. A doctor.     C. A worker.

 (  )19. What’s my mother?

A. A teacher.     B. A doctor.     C. A worker.

 (  )20. What’s my name?

   A. Mary.      B. Jack.       C. Rose.


  (  )11. What’s that?

A. It’s a car.     B. It’s a picture.   C. It’s a book.

  (  )12. What’s in the picture?

A. Tom’s family.   B. Kate’s family.   C. A house.

  (  )13. Is the boy Tom’s brother?

A. Yes, he is.    B. No, he isn’t.    C. Tom has not a brother.

  (  )14. How old is Tom’s brother?

A. Six.       B. Seven.      C. Eight.

  (  )15. How many people does his family have?

A. Three.      B. Four.       C. Five.


1.(  )A. I can see a boat.    B. I can see a tree.   C. I can see a boat and a tree.

2.(  )A. Three.        B. Two.       C. Five.

3.(  )  A. He can mend the bike.        B. He can ride the bike.

C. He can see the bike.

  (  )4.  A. It’s black.      B. It’s blue.     C. It’s a bike.

  (  )5.  A. He is my father.   B. It’s a car.     C. He’s my brother’s teacher.

  (  )6.  A. The one on the black bike.      B. The one in the hat.

C. The one in a black coat.

  (  )7.  A. Sweaters.     B. Coats.       C. Books.

  (  )8.  A. Yes, they are.    B. No, they aren’t.    C. They are oranges.

  (  )9.  A. It’s Li Lei’s.     B. It’s Jim’s.      C. It’s theirs.

 (  )10.  A. It’s 8873493.    B. It’s 8873475.    C. 8873593.


 Dogs are very good pets. They are f ___ to people and very beautiful, too. Most dogs get on well with c___ and their parents. Others are good watchdogs because they cry loudly when a s _____ person arrives.

 When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its s ____ buy a small dog if your home is small and a bigger one if i ___ is larger. Many people don’t know how much to feed their dog. Dogs eat almost anything! They like m _____, rice and lots of other things. You can buy lots of food made for dogs in shops, Don’t let your dog eat too m ____. Feed it only once a day. Always I _____some water for your dog. It can get t _____ very quickly, especially in summer.

Remember that dogs need exercise. You should take it for a walk every day. Don’t k ____ your dog inside all day.



 January 12 th,.2002

 Dear Mike,

 Thanks for your letter. Now I’d like to tell you something about myself.









