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3. Are you hot?            C. Yes, I am.


2. What colour are your shirts?    B. I have a stomachache


1. What's the matter?          A. It is blue.


1. what colour________ 2. left hand________ 3. feel sick ________ 4. Me, too.________ 5. how many ________ 6. 1.5米高________ 7. 一条短裤 ________ 8. 回头见________ 9. 太大 ________ 10. 两只红苹果________

二 从II栏中找出与I栏中相对应的答语。(10分)

I                   II


Tom lives and works in Denver. He works hard       Monday and Friday .On Saturday and Sunday he does not go to        .Sometimes he goes shopping .Sometimes he goes to see his        .This week he is going to Washington       his good friend Mike . They are going to see their friends        .

They are going to        the 2:40 train Friday afternoon. In Washington, Tom’s friend , Jack ,is going to        them home in his car . Tom and Mike are both going to        with Jack for the weekend.

On        morning, Jack and Mike are going to take them to some of their friends .

On Sunday ,Tom and Mike are going to take a 6:00 train        to Denver.

1.A.with         B. for           C. from             D. of

2.A. live         B. school        C. the shop          D. work

3.A. sister        B. brother        C. friends               D. family

4. A. for     B. with      C. after        D. and

5.A. in Denver   B. here      C. in the USA     D. there

6.A. take     B. give      C. go         D. follow

7.A. meet     B. see      C. take        D. carry

8.A. stay     B. live      C. talk        D. say

9.A. next     B. Sunday     C. Saturday      D. Friday

10. A. off     B. for      C. back        D. going


6. 那个小男孩会说一点澳大利亚英语。(2分)

That little boy________________________________________.


5.    我的妈妈每天骑自行车去上班。(2分)

My mother __________________________________________every day.


4.    日本人来自日本。(1分)



3.    他们跟我学法语。(1分)

They learn ______________________________.

