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8. have (第三人称单数形式) ___________


7. do (第三人称单数形式)____________


6. foot (复数形式)___________


5. A. has B. spell C. where D. stand

B) 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。(5分)


4. A. leg B. body C. hand D. shoulder


3. A. long B. big C. short D. year


2. A. school B. knee C. neck D. arm


I. 词汇。 (10分)


1. A. star B. film C. small D. book


I. 听录音,选择适当的图画。 (5分)

1._______ 2._______ 3._______

4._______ 5._______

II. 听录音,分类填词。 (5分)

1. 身体部位:_______ _______

2. 颜 色:_______ _______

3. 尺 度:_______ _______

4. 家庭成员:_______ _______

5. 身 份:_______ _______

III. 听录音,根据所听的答语选择问句。(10分)

1. A.How old is his sister?

B. How is his sister?

C. Where is his sister?

D. Does he have a sister?

2. A. Is she a student? B. Who is she?

C. How is she? D. How old is she?

3. A. How are you? B. How old are you?

C. Where are you from?

D. What is his name?

4. A. Does he have long hair?

B. Who is he?

C. Is he a doctor?

D. How is he?

5. A. What grade are you in?

B. What class are you in?

C. Are you in a different class?

D. Are you in the same class?


116.Thank you! I’ll take it.       (          )

117.I’d like a burger and French fries.  (          )

118.No,I don’t like apples.        (          )

119-120 What’s this? It’s an apple.   (          )

                      (          )

