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7. A. go  B. come  C. listen  D. hear   (  )8. A. next  B. between  C. over  D. across


5. A. in  B. on  C. about  D. by     (  )6.A. only  B. also  C. but  D. so


3. A. culture  B. school C. hospital D. bank (  ) 4. A. Dance B. Opera C. Sing D. Music


1. A. in  B. at  C. to  D. from     (  )2. A. west  B. western  C. east  D. south


67. I work late. I’m very _____ when people go out to dinners.


A篇Welcome 1_____ the Culture Palace. We have 2______ culture on the left, and eastern 3____ on the right. Section A is the Beijing 4______ Palace. The Chinese Music Hall is in Section B. Section C is the Chinese Festivals park, and there is an art palace in Section D. There you can see paintings 5____ Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, and so on. You can 6______ enjoy the western Part. You can 7_____ to classical music in Section E. If you want to listen to jazz or pop music, please go to the Fantastic House, 8_____ to Section E. Back 9____ the gate, you can visit the Western Painting Hall in Section G. Have 10_____ in the Culture Palace.


66.Where ______ your sister work? She ______  at a hospital. What does she do? She is a ____.


64. He is a police officer. It’s an ______(兴奋的)  job. 65. He finds it _____(难) to do the thing.


63. I want to be an _____, _________ it’s an _________job.


62. Do you like to work ________ other young people?


61. Do you like to work _______? Please ______ Karen ____ 555-8823.

