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18、     用来询问是不是自己的课本。

  A. Is this your book, Kate?        B. Is this my book, Kate?

  C. What’s this in English?         D. How do you spell book?


17、别人问这是不是你的东西,用     作否定回答。

  A. No, it is Jim’s                B. No, it isn’t. It’s Jim’s.

  C. No, it is.                     D. No, it isn’t Jim.


16、       可以询问单词的拼写。

  A. How do you spell it?           B. What is it?

  C. What do you spell it?          D. Where spell it?


15、Thanks      your letter.

  A. of               B. for          C. from            D. to


14、Here      Lin Tao’s photos.

  A. an                  B. is           C. are              D. of


13、    boys are in     room.

  A. The, an           B. The, the      C. The, /               D. A, a


12、Let’s call John, it’s     pencil.

  A. her              B. its           C. his              D. your


11、I can see a      on the well.

  A. photo of the family            B. the family’s photo

  C. family’s photo                D. family of the photo


10、Look! Your books are next      the baseball.

  A. at               B. in           C. on              D. to


9、- Your dresser is nice.

  -       .

  A. Yes, it is          B. OK         C. Thank you       D. No, it isn’t

