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1. You have to g_____ up at six in the morning.

2. My cousin can’t s_____ soap operas.

3. He is medium height with curly and b______ hair.

4. He works in a TV station. He is a r_______.

5. The hotel is n_____ to the bank.


30. ---Don’t sing in class.  ---_____.  A. Yes, I do.  B. No, I don’t.  C. Sorry, Mr. Lin  D. You’re welcome.


29. Everyone in Class 4 ___ TV on Sundays.  A. watches  B. to watch  C. watching  D. watched


28. Some of the children ___ under the big tree.  A. are singing  B. are sing  C. singing  D. is singing


27. ---What ___ they ___ of Amanda?  ---They love her.  A. do, think  B. are, think  C. does, think  D. is, thinking


26. My father ___ mind sitcoms.  A. does  B. doesn’t  C. isn’t  D. can’t


25. ---What does Ann often have ___ breakfast?  ---She often has some bread and milk.  A. for  B. to  C. on  D. as


24. On Sunday morning I helped my mother ____ the cooking.  A. do  B. to do  C. does  D. doing


23. ---What __ they doing?  ---They ___ studying.  A. are, are  B. is, is  C. was, are  D. are, do


22. ---_____?  ---It’s cloudy.  A. How’s the weather like in Shanghai  B. How’s the weather in Shanghai  C. What is the weather in Shanghai  D. Which is the weather in Shanghai

