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3. 很高兴见到你。       


2. 姓氏           


1. 我的名字         


1. -Hello.       your name?

-     name’s Jenny.

- -   I’m Tony.

- -   Nice to meet   ,Tony.

2. -What’s his name?

-His name       Tony.

-What’s her name?

-     name’s Jenny.

3. - What’s your     number, Bill?

-     278-2397, thanks.

- 278-2397, thanks.

4. -Excuse me, are you Gina?

-Yes, I     .

- -   Bob. Nice to meet you.

- -   Nice to meet you,     .


     名字     我的      女孩       它    

你的    他的     她的      什么       男孩  


11.M:How do you usually go to work,by car?

  W:Not really.I usually go by bus.

  Q:How does the woman usually go to work?

12.M:Whose are these schoolbags?

  W:The red one is Sandy’s,and the green one is Jane’s.

  Q:Which schoolbag is Jane’s?

13.W:When do you get up every day,Tom?

  M:At six thirty.

  Q:What time does Tom get up every day?

14.W:What can I do for you,sir?

  M:I’m looking for a pair of shoes.

  Q:Where does the woman work?

15.W:Hi,Jim!Will you go out for a walk with me?

  M:Sorry,I can’t go with you.I’m washing my shirt.

  Q:What is Jim doing?


6.My mother often watches TV in the evening.

7.What do you usually do on Sunday morning.

8.What are the boys doing on the playground?

9.Fangfang’s mother comes from America.

10.You are late for class,Janet.


1.Wake up,Tom!Look at the time.It’s already 8 o’clock.

2.After supper,I’ll go to sleep.

3.I like my classroom because I can see the playground from it.

4.Tommy often goes to the Reading Club after school every Tuesday.

5.Our teacher says we shouldn’t watch too much TV or films.


6.(  )A.Yes,that’s right.   B.I like to watch TV.   C.How about your father?

7.(  )A.Do you clean your room?  B.I don’t know.   C.I usually go to the park.

8.(  )A.They are boating.  B.They’re playing basketball.  C.They’re cooking supper.

9.(  )A.Where does Fangfang come from?   B.So Fangfang speaks good English.

C.I think Fangfang often writes letters.

10.(  )A.I’m late.   B.You’re late,  too.     C.I’m very sorry.

