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M: Hello, 4792569.

W: This is Lucy Green. Is Mike in?

M: Hi, Lucy. This is Mike speaking. How are you?

W: Fine, thanks. Mike, I want to visit your uncle, Mr Lewis. But I don’t have his telephone number. Can you tell me?

M: Er, it’s 5356675. Oh, sorry, it’s 5356765. His house is near John’s. I think you can find it.

W: That’s great. Thank you very much. See you.

M: See you.


 1 --I live on the sixth floor in this building. What about you, Peter?

   --I live two floors below you.

   Q: Which floor does Peter live on?

 2. --Is your father a worker, Daniel? --No, he is a waiter. And my mother is a doctor.

   Q: What does Daniel’s father do?

3. –55 yuan? This shirt is too expensive. What about 45 yuan? --Ok, you can take it.

   Q: How much will the shirt cost him?

4. –Can I help you?   --I’d like a red coat.   Q: Where are they talking?

5. – We are going to have a party on Wednesday?

–No, we are busy on Wednesday. What about Thursday?

–OK.        Q: When are they going to have a party?


1.My mother is a nurse. She works in a hospital near my home.

2.Stephen is lying on his bunk beds.

3.They can enjoy Beijing Opera at the theatre.

4.I want to have a shower after the football match.

5.I like cooking. I often help my mother in the kitchen.


187、是的yes            188、你you             189、你的your


184、单词word           185、工作work          186、黄色的 yellow 


181、白色的 white         182、窗户window       183、冬天 winter 


178、天气weather        179、什么what          180、哪里where


175、看watch            176、水water           177、我们 we 


172、非常 very           173、散步walk         174、温暖warm 


169、二two              170、打字 type         171、在---下面 under 

