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31. –Can you sing an English song? –No, I _______.

    A. can       B. can’t      C. don’t    D. am not


30. Bill Gates is from the              .

    A. UN       B. USA     C. PRC     D. HK


29. Millie writes ______ e-mail to Daniel. She wants to know how to look ______ her e-dog.

A. a, for      B. an, at     C. /, like     D. an, after 


28. ---He  is  never  late  for school .He   goes  to  school  early.

A.usually  B.often     C. sometimes     D. always


27. --- There are four people in  your family. There are  five people in my family  . Yours  is  than  mine.

A. big     B. bigger   C. small    D. smaller


26. --- We  live  in   building ,but  on   floors.

A. different …same     B. same…. different

C. the same…. different   D .a  different…same


A photograph

1.Where is  Mrs. White’s husband?
2.What  color is her son  in?
3.How many  children does Mrs.White have ?
4.When did the Whites go to the park?
5.Did they enjoyed themselves?


(  ) 16.How long does it take  them  to  get  to  the  beach?

A. Half an hour    B. An hour   C.A  half and an hour

(  ) 17.What  do  they  do  on the  beach?

    A..They play football.     B. They play  basketball.  

C. They leave  rubbish  on  the  beach.

(  ) 18.Who  falls  down?

A. We don’t know .    B..Peter    C.Jone

(  ) 19. Why  does  the granny  say  they  are  good  boys?

A. Because  they like  playing football.    B. Because they put  the rubbish  into  the  litter  bin.

C. Because they  keep  quiet  on  the  beach.

(  ) 20. What can we learn from the passage?

    A..Don’t  eat on the  beach..  B.We  mustn’t  leave  rubbish.

   C. We  mustn’t  play  ball  games  on  the  beach.


(  ) 11. A.She  wants to go swimming with  the man .  

 B. She  wants to go swimming with  Jane .  

 C. She  asks  the man  about  the .swimming pool.

(  )12. A. 87664435   B.87664453.   C..87664543

(  ) 13.A..by  bus   B.on  foot    C. by  bike

(  ) 14.A.He  is  a  waiter.   B. He  is a driver  C. He  is an estate agent 

(  ) 15.A.Taxi  driver  and  passenger.   B.. waiter  and customer.

    C.Father  and  daughter.


(  ) 6. A.yes, I  do.   B.No,of  course not.    

C. Sorry ,Ididn’t see the sign.

(  ) 7. A.I’d like  a  flat  near the  underground.    

    B. I think the flat is  beautiful.      C. I agree with  you.

(  ) 8.A.I have  been to Beijing.   B. I’ve been to xiaomeisha.

C. I’ve gone to Happy Vally.

(  ) 9.A.There are ten .    B. They  are ten.    C. Yes ,there  are.

(  ) 10.A.You’re  welcome.   B.What’s  wrong  with  you ?.   

    C.It’s behind  KFC.

