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2. Can you tell me the way _______ the tea house near here?

A. to      B. in       C. at   D. for

(   ) 3. – I don’t like mutton      beef.

– I don’t like mutton,      I like beef a lot.

A. and, but                     B. and, and              C. or, but             D. or, and


1. Here _______ two letters _______you.

A. are; to      B. is; for    C. is; to  D. are; for



(   ) 6. What’s the weather like in Bill’s city?

   A. sunny  B. snowy  C. cloudy

(   ) 7. What are Bill and Jim doing?

   A. watching a basketball game    B. doing homework

C. watching a big football game


(   ) 8. What’s Lin Tao’s mother’s job?

  A. a nurse  B. a Chinese teacher   C. an English teacher

(   ) 9. What does Lin Tao want to be?

  A. a bank clerk  B. a teacher    C. a report

(   ) 10. Why does Tom want to be a reporter?

A. Because it’s interesting. 

B. Because he can meet interesting people every day.

C. Because he like talking.



(   ) 1. Where are they?

A. In a school.                     B. At home.                 C. In a noodle house.

(   ) 2. How much is it?

A. $80                           B. $88                  C. RMB88

(   ) 3. What does Jim like?

A. Rice.                          B. Beef.                    C. Tomatoes.

(   ) 4. Would Sally like some vegetable dumplings for lunch?

A. Yes.                          B. No.                  C. I don’t know.

(   ) 5.What’s your address?

A. The library.      B. The supermarket.    C. 25 Center Street.


10. Where’s “B”?            J. Nice to meet you, too.


9. Nice to meet you.           I. Hello! Jim.


8. How are you?             H. Yes, I am.


7. Are you Tony?            G. It’s here.


6. Hello! Kate.             F. I’m OK.

