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1. Li Ping, _______ (not be) late next time, please.


20.(   ) He doesn’t want red flowers. He want _______.

    A. purple ones   B. purple one   C. the purple   D. purple


19.(   ) There is no orang in the bottle. Would you like ______ to drink?

A. Something else  B. else something  C. else  D. something


18.(   ) That is  ______ old photo of _______ Green family. It’s a family of three people.

A. am, /   B. the, /   C. the, a   D. an, the


17.(   ) Hi, Mary. Here’s a post card ________ you, Who is it _________?

A. to, for   B. for, from   C. for, for   D. to, to


16.(   ) _____ do the doctors do ______ your machines? Oh, a lot of things.

A. How, of   B. What, on   C. What, with  D. How, for


15.(   ) ____does Lily like England and ____ does she like about England?

A. How, how   B. What, what   C. What, how  D. How,what


14.(   ) Wang Hai goes to school _______ every morning.

A. in, car   B. in, bus   C. by a bus   D. by bus


13.(   ) Are you and Li Lei in the same school? -- _________

A. Yes, he is   B. Yes, We are  C. Yes, they are  D. Yes, I am


12.(   ) It’s time to go to school. Let ___________.

A. he go   B. him go   C. he to go  D. him to go

