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5. on Centre street 在中央大道     6. next to the bank 银行隔壁 


4. want to do sth = would like to do sth 想做什么


3. write to sb 给某人写信


2. speak Chinese 说中文 


1.   be from = come from 来自于…



 China  tiger   elephant  raining   beautiful   doctor     hotel    warm    garden     noodle


 uniform     thin     France     cool      rainy

 Australia    beard    onion     delicious   beach


Singapore   dolphin    koala     actor     expensive 

Museum     build     potato     hallway   sitcom


Japan   Paris      windy     panda    reporter

cute    library    walk     sunglasses     mutton


Chinese    smart    friendly     actor      waiter

Dumpling    belt    cold   snowy     supermarket


be from     next to       kind of     be quiet    have a good time  live in     doing homework  

  curly hair   tell jokes   played soccer


speak English    play with    in a TV station  

 medium height   have a new look   in front of 

went to the mountains   in the dining hall  

eating dinner   practiced English


cross from   have fun  look at    watchign TV 

 waiting for  did some reading  talk show   

on the beach    long hair  on vacation


 have a good trip     take a taxi     soap opera 

 on Sunday morning      writing a letter

a pop singer       went to the movies

 summer camp     game show      in this heat


take a walk      a small house with a garden 

talking on the phone    blond hair

want to be      in a bank     in the tree 

 had a party    cooked dinner     go out

A: Is that your new pen pal, Lucy?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Oh, what’s her name?

B: Her name is Anna.

A: Where is she from?

B: She is from Canada.

A: Where does she live?

B: She lives in Toronto.

A: Does she have any brother or sister?

B: She has two brothers and two sisters.

A: Does she speak English?

B: Yes. She speaks English and Chinese.

A: Hi, John.

B: Hi, Mike.

A: What are you doing?

B: Reading a book.

A: I want to go to the library. Can you go with me?

B: Ok.

A:Is there a library near your house?

B:  Yes, there is. It’s on Center Avenue.

A:  Where is it?

B:  Go straight down Park Street. It’s on the right.

A:  Ok, let’s go.

B:  Let’s go.

A: Where do you want to go now?

B: Let’s see the elephants.

A: The elephants? Why do you like elephants?

B: Oh, they are interesting. And they’re clever.

A: Yes, but they are ugly, too.

B: What animals do you like?

A: I like pandas. They’re beautiful. But they’re kind of shy.

B: Where are they?

A: They’re over there on the left, just across from the koalas.

A: Hi, Helen. This is David. How is it going?

B: Pretty good. How about you?

A: Terrible.

B: Why?

A: It is raining. I can’t go out. How is the weather in Shanghai?

B: It’s great. It’s sunny and warm. What are you doing now?

A: I’m watching TV. What about you?

B: I’m talking with you.

A: Oh, yes.

A: Can I help you ?

B: I’d like some noodles .

A: What kind of noodles would you like ?

B: What kind of noodles do you have ?

A: We have beef ,chicken ,mutton ,….

B: OK, I’d like mutton and chicken noodles , please .

A: Sure .And what size would you like ?

B: What size do you have ?

A: We have large , medium and small bowls .

B: Oh , a small bowl ,please .

A: OK . Anything else ?

B: No ,thanks .






25.如图,在△ABC中, D、E分别是AC、AB上的点, BD与CE交于点O. 给出下列三个条件:①∠EBO=∠DCO;②∠BEO=∠CDO;③BE=CD.

  (1)上述三个条件中, 哪两个条件可判定△ABC是等腰三角形(用序号写出所有情形);

  (2)选择第⑴小题中的一种情形, 证明△ABC是等腰三角形.





  (1)由图观察易知A(0,2)关于直线L的对称点的坐标为(2,0),请在图中分别标明B(5,3) 、C(-2,5) 关于直线l的对称点的位置,并写出他们的坐标:


  (2)结合图形观察以上三组点的坐标,你会发现:坐标平面内任一点P(a,b)关于第一、三象限两坐标轴角平分线L的对称点的坐标为       (不必证明);

  (3)已知两点D(x, y)、E(-1, 1-3),关于第一、三象限两坐标轴夹角平分线对称,






