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3.He often ____(洗) his hands first after he goes home.


2.I would like something ____(甜的) inside the cake.


1.Look! Some people are _____(装饰) their houses now.


Children  _1__ the  USA like K Day very much. K is __2__kites.  March (三月) 7th is the day. __3__  that day, many children go out in the open  _4__ .  They take their kites  __5_ them. Some kites are very big.  Others are    __6__ .  They are in different colours.  Every kite has a long string(线).  The  children begin to __7_ to get the kites up.  They  let out  the  string from the ball  __8__ their  hands. Now  the kites __9_flying in the sky. How _10___  they look!

(   ) 1. A. at  B. in  C. on  D. for         

 (  ) 2. A. for  B. of  C. to  D. about

3.(   ) A. On  B. In  C. At  D. of       

 (  )4. A. water  B. sea  C. land  D. landed

5.(   ) A. and  B. with  C. to D. by             

  (  ) 6. A. tall B. short  C. small D. light

7.(   ) A. play  B. sing  C. run D. jump               

  (  ) 8. A. of  B. from  C. about  D. in

9.(   ) A. is  B. are  C. be  D. are to                

  (  ) 10. A. strong  B. hard  C. nice  D. well


10.Don’t talk with him. He _________(study) English.


9.Let her ______________(go) back home now.


8.My father _____________(not have) lunch at home every day


7.Li Lei with his parents ____(go) home every year.

