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15. Do you like ________?

  A. to sing and to dance  B. singing and dance

  C. to sing and dance   D. sing and dancing


14. She wants to be an actor, ______ it’s an interesting job.

  A. and   B. or   C. because  D. but


13. We have a job ______ you _____ a waiter.

  A. for, as  B. to, as  C. of, as  D. from, like


12. --- Does your sister want to be an actor ______ a reporter?

 --- An actor.

  A. and   B. or   C. but   D. as


11. Where _____ Michacl Owen _____ from?

  A. do, come    B. is, comes

  C. does, come   D. does, comes


10. --- What does your father do?

  --- He’s _____ cook, it’s ____ busy work.

  A. a, a  B. a, /  C. /, a   D. /, /


9. It’s very ______ to work ______ actors.

  A. interesting, with  B. smart, for

  C. friendly, with   D. shy, for


8. --- _____ your brother work?

 --- In a bank.

  A. Where do    B. What do

  C. Where does   D. What does


7. Does she work ________?

  A. in hospital   B. in a hospital

  C. on hospital   D. on a hospital


6. Sometimes I work ______ the day and sometimes ______ night.

A. on, at  B. at, on  C. at, in  D. in, at

