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Name: Jim Allan Smith   Boss(老板)
Workplace(工作单位): Rose Restaurant
Address: 18. Center Street. Fifth Avenue
Tel: 828-8728  Mobile Phone: 13868786828




Betty doesn’t like  1  job. She’s a  2  . She has to work  3  the evenings on weekdays. She has to work on the  4  , too. She’s always   5  . She doesn’t want to work in a restaurant. Because it  6  fun.

She wants to  7  a bank clerk. She likes to work with people and  8  . She likes to work hard.  9  she wants to work in a  10  and not in a restaurant.

1_______ 2______ 3_______ 4_______ 5________

6_______7______ 8_______ 9_______ 10________


  My name  1  Brandon, a junior student. Our classroom is big and nice. There are  2  pictures on the walls. We have thirty desks and chairs  3  the room. They are for the  4  . There are  5  Chinese and science books in my desk. There are color pictures  6  the science books.

I come to school  7  8:00 a. m. I  8  three lessons in the morning and three in the afternoon. I like history, science and some other subjects. I  9  my homework on the computer. I do  10  in  sports.

(  )1. A. calls  B. is  C. writes   D. are

(  )2. A. not  B. a  C. some   D. any

(  )3. A. in   B. on  C. at   D. near

(  )4. A. teachers  B. girls  C. boys  D. students

(  )5. A. a   B. the  C. an   D. some

(  )6. A. for   B. in   C. with   D. of

(  )7. A. at   B. in  C. on   D. from

(  )8. A. have   B. get  C. learn  D. give

(  )9. A. make  B. play  C. do   D. work

(  )10. A. good  B. well  C. dangerous  D. hard


5. I help doctors and patients(病人). Some people call us “angels(天使) in white”. I’m a ____.


4. I like talking to people and writing stories. I meet pop stars and VIPs. I’m a __________.


3. I see a lot of money every day. But it’s not mine. I count(数) it for other people. I’m a ______.


2. I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners. I’m a _________.   

