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1.What does Miss Liu do?

A. She is a worker.     B. She is a student.        C. She is a teacher.

2. Where does she work?

A. In a hospital.          B. In a school.               C. In a bank.

3. What does she teach?

A. She teaches Chinese. B. She teaches English.     C. She teaches music.

4. What time does she get up every morning?

A. At six.               B. Very early.            C. Six thirty.

5. What does she do in the evening?

A. She watches TV.        B. She does her housework.  C. She reads books.


1. A. She is dancing.    B. She is a reporter.    C. She does her housework.

2. A. Yes,it is.      B. She’s a nurse.     C. Yes,she is a doctor.

3. A.I want to be a police officer.  B.I am a police officer.  C.I want to work in a police station.

4. A. She works very late.     B. She works very hard.  C. She works in a restaurant.

5. A.I am beautiful.       B. Because it’s an interesting job.  C.I want to be in the school play.


1.  A. doctor        B. reporter     C. actor

2.  A. police            B. please               C. nurse

3.  A. student               B. assistant              C. station

4.  A. work late          B. work hard            C. come late

5.  A. police station       B. bus station            C.TV station



Talk show
Soap opera
Sports show
Game show
Beijing opera






A: Do you have a pen pal?

B: Yes, I do. I have a boy pen pal. He’s Pete.

A: 61 ____________________________________________________________?

B: He comes from Toronto, Canada.

A: 62 ___________________________________________________________?

B: He’s tall with medium build, curly hair and blue eyes. Here is a photo of him.

A: 63 ____________________________________________________________?

B: He loves sports shows. Sports are his favorite.

A: 64 ____________________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I do. I want to go to Toronto and visit him next vacation.

A: 65 ___________________________________________________________?

B: It’s warm in spring and not hot in summer. The weather is nice.

A: OK, I hope you have a good trip!

B: Thank you.


60. 我刚才看到她跟朋友玩。

    I ____________ her ___________ ____________ her friends just now.


59. 人人都喜欢听好话。



58. 你觉得谈话节目怎么样?我很爱看,很有趣。

    --- _________________________ talk shows?  --- I love them because they’re interesting.


57. --- 晚餐你想要点什么? --- 牛肉面。

    --- __________ __________ you ___________ ___________ dinner?  --- Beef noodles.


56. --- 毕业后你想当什么?--- 我想当记者。

    --- What _________ you want to __________ after you finish school?  --- A reporter.

