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要求:⒈ 根据所给提示,以“My Family”为题用英语写一篇介绍你家庭情况的小短文。

⒉ 短文内容必须包括所有提示。

⒊ 要做到文理通顺,标点符号正确,不得少于10句话。



⒈ Come in and sit down, please.

⒉ What does your mother do?

⒊ Her uncle is a policeman.

⒋ Please look after my clothes.

⒌ Li Ping often helps Jim with his Chinese.


⒍ 快请进,杰姆。请随便点,就象在自己家里一样。

Come in, Jim. Please _________ yourself at _______.

⒎ 好漂亮的一条连衣裙啊!

________ a _______ dress!

⒏ 我可以看一看你的照片吗?

May I ________ a _______ at your photo?

⒐ 骑单车的那个男孩是我的朋友王永辉。

The boy _____ the ________ is my friend Wang Yonghui.

⒑ 照片上那位老人是我的奶奶。

The old ___________ in the photo is my ___________.



(  )⒈ Is this a picture of ____ family, Jim?

A. your       B. my        C. our        D. its

(  )⒉ Who’s the young man ____ a gray jacket?

A. on        B. in         C. at         D. of

(  )⒊ “____ does your pen friend say in his letter?” “He likes China a lot.”

A. Who       B. Where       C. What        D. Which

(  )⒋ You speak English so well. Can you help ____ with ____ English?

A. I; me        B. me; mine      C. I; my       D. me; my

(  )⒌ I can speak English now, ____ only a little.

A. but        B. and        C. or         D. so

(  )⒍ Do Jim and Kate have ____ friends here?

A. some       B. any         C. a         D. an

(  )⒎ Her parents ____ English teachers.

A. are all       B. all are       C. are both      D. both are

(  )⒏ The bedroom is ____ .

A. of Lucy and Lily  B. Lucy’s and Lily’s   C. Lucy’s and Lily   D. Lucy and Lily’s

(  )⒐ Uncle Wang is a farmer. He works ____ the Red Star Farm.

A. on          B. in            C. at           D. to

(  )⒑ I want to go to WC. Please ____ my schoolbag.

A. look at      B. look after       C. look like      D. see


(  )⒒ The boy is my ____ . We’re in the same class.

A. friend      B. classmate       C. student       D. twin brother

(  )⒓ I know he is a ____ boy.

A. Chinese      B. Canadian      C. Japanese       D. American

(  )⒔ Look! This is a photo of ____ family.

A. my        B. Jim’s        C. the twins’      D. yours

(  )⒕ My uncle is a ____ . He does some cooking in a hotel.

A. cook        B. cooker        C. farmer        D. driver

(  )⒖ Mr Yang is a doctor. He works ____ .

A. at home      B. in a hospital     C. in a school      D. in a clinic (诊所)


(  )⒗ “Is anyone at home?” “No. Come in, please.”

A   B    C   D

(   )⒘ “What do your parent do?” “My father is a driver, and my mother is an office worker.”

A      B           C             D

(  )⒙ Miss Gao is a Chinese teacher. She love her work a lot.

A      B        C      D

(  )⒚ “Are you in the same class and Ben?” “No. We’re in different classes.”

A     B     C           D

(  )⒛ Wei Hua studies in a high school. She is a teacher.

A      B    C   D


IX. 书面表达。


