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3. -Don’t be late ________(再次,又). -Sorry, I won’t.


2. Close the ________(窗户),please!


A) 根据句意及汉语提示,拼写单词。

1. There are two ________(黑板)in my classroom.


要求:以My school 为题,描绘一下你的学校,词数40左右。

提示:Which school?

      What class/grade?

      What about class room/classmates/teachers?


Mary is __1__  English girl, but she is in France (法国) now. She is six __2__ old. Her mother says to her. “You are six, and you will start school here. You sill like the school because (因为) it’s a __3__ school.” “Is it an English school?” Mary asks. “Yes, it is .” Mother answers.

    Mary goes go school. The teachers __4__ very friendly and speak good __5__. And there are two other English girls in the class, __6__. She begins to like the school.

    Her mother takes her to school __7__ the morning and brings her home in the afternoon.

One day ,when her mother is at school, Mary runs out of the classroom and says, “We have a __8__ girl in our class today. She is six, too. She is very nice, __9__ she isn’t English. She is a German (德国人).” “Doesn’t she speak English?” Mary’s mother asks. “No, but she always laughs __10__ English.” She says happily.

(   ) 1. A. an          B. a            C. the           D. /

(   ) 2. A. year         B. years         C. years’        D. year’s

(   ) 3. A. old          B. bad          C. small         D. nice

(   ) 4. A. are          B. is            C. aren’t         D. isn’t

(   ) 5. A. Japanese      B. English        C. Chinese       D. French(法语)

(   ) 6. A. either           B. also          C. all           D. too

(   ) 7. A. on          B. at            C. in               D. of

(   ) 8. A. nice         B. new          C. good         D. old

(   ) 9. A. and         B. or           C. but          D. because

(   ) 10. A. in          B. at            C. with          D. on


9.(   ) Nice to meet you.                     I. She is my sister.

(   ) you look after my dog, please?         J. No, it isn’t.

B) 根据对话内容,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

A. How do you do?               B. Thank you.        C. Nice to meet you.

D. Hello.                   E. What’s on the wall?  F. Where’s Wuhan?

Jim: Hello! Kate.

Kate: Hello! Jim.

Jim: Kate, this is Li Lei. Li Lei this is Kate.

Kate: __11__ __12__

LiLei: How do you do?

Kate: LiLei, this is my bedroom. Please come in.

LiLei: __13__

Jim: Kate, __14__

Kate: It’s a map of China.

LiLei: __15__, Do you know?

Kate: Yes, it’s in Hubei.


8.(   ) Who’s this?                          H. Of course.


7.(   ) Is that your classroom?                 G. Thank you.


6.(   ) Your English is very good.               F. Nice to meet you, too.

