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77.John is the cleverer / more clever of the two boys.       约翰是这两个男孩子中较聪明的那一个。

Lucy is the taller of the twins.                    露茜是双胞胎中较高的那一个。

Mother is the busier of the parents.                   妈妈是父母中较忙的那一个。


76.Please take the medicine 2 pills each time and three times a day.     请服这种药一天三次,一次二片。


75.Even though he studied hard, he still failed (in) the final­­­-examination.虽然他学习努力,但还是没通过期末考

Because there was too much traffic,he didn’t come on time.      因为交通拥挤,所以他没能准时来。


74.He didn’t pass the ball often enough.                    他没有足够频繁地传球。

He is not tall enough to reach the apples on the trees.           他不够高去够到树上的苹果。


73.The Spring Festival falls on February 16th this year.              今年春节是二月十六日。

The snow is falling.                                 雪正在下。

We are going to marry this fall.                      我们准备今年秋天结婚。

I have had over 20 falls since I began to learn skating.      自从学滑冰以来我已经摔了二十几个跟头

fall ill/asleep/behind/down/off/over/back/into---   生病/睡着/落后/跌倒/跌下/向前扑倒/后退/跌入------。


72.Three quarters of the books are written in English.            四分之三的书是用英语写的。

Two thirds of students are over/under 16.               三分之二的学生超过/低于16岁。

One quarter of the country’s population are farmers.          这个国家人口的四分之一是农民。

The population of China is still growing/increasing.                中国人口仍在增长。

The number of the students is over 5000./ still increasing.       学生的数量已超过5000/仍在增长。

A third of the land is covered with snow.                  三分之一的土地被雪覆盖。


71.Excuse me for being late.                           请原谅我迟到了。

Excuse me for not going to the door with you.               原谅我就不送你到门口了。.


70.She asked us to help ourselves to some fish.                  她要我们随便吃点鱼。

  He asked his car to be washed every day.               他要求他的车每天都被洗一下。


69.Shanghai is larger than any city in India.             上海比印度的任何一个城市都更大。

Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.        上海比中国的任何一个其它的城市都更大。


68.He was always trying out new ideas as a boy.     还是一个孩子的时候他就总是实验自己的新想法。

He is always asking many strange questions in class.         他总是在课堂上问许多奇怪的问题。

The PLA men are always doing good deeds for the people.         解放军们总是为人民做好事。

