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11. Then he had to collect water from the village well. 

然后他需要去村里的井去打水。  ★(1)collect 动词,意思与fetch 相近“拿来,接来”    例如:    Collect a child from school.   自校中接回小孩。  ★(2)聚集,聚积    例如:    A crowed soon collects together when there is a street accident.    当街头发生意外事件的时候,立刻就有一群人聚集起来。  ★(3)collect foreign stamps/old china 搜集外国邮票/古瓷器  ★(4)collected  形容词,(人)镇静的,心思不乱的


10.He had to get up at 5 am and chop wood and light the fire for breakfast.

他必须5点钟起床,劈柴并点火做饭。   ★light  用作动词,意思是“点燃,使发光”    例如:   light a fire 点火  Light a candle/cigarette 点一支蜡烛/香烟   ★light的过去式,过去分词为lit,lighted常用于名词前相当于形容词   例如:   a lighted candle 燃着的蜡烛


9.I have not done any of these things yet because my grandfather came to chat to me. 


(1)because 连词  因为

  例如:    I did it because they asked me to do it.   我做这事是因为他们要我做。


  例如:    As it is raining,you had better take a taxi.    It is raining,so you had better take a taxi.    既然下雨,你最好坐出租车来。

(3)for 和 because of 相近,后面加名词或名词短语

  for this reason   为此原因    for its scenery  因风景著名    例如:    Because of his bad legs,he could not walk so fast as the others.    因为他的腿有毛病,他不能和别人一样走得快。    Many people have a cold because of the cold weather.    由于天气冷,许多人都感冒了。

(4)chat (动词/名词) 闲谈,聊天

  例如:    They were chatting in the corner.   他们在屋角聊天。


8.Then I have to take the dog for a walk. 我还必须带着狗出去溜溜。

 ★(1)take  携带,拿走某物,伴随某人    例如:    take letters to the post  把信付邮    take a friend home in one’s car 用汽车送朋友回家    take the dog out for a walk  带狗出去散步  ★(2)take  得到,享有,吃喝  ★(3)take a holiday/a walk /a bath/a deep breath 休假(散步,沐浴,作深呼吸)


7.I have so many chores to do today. 今天我有太多的杂务要做。

  chore.  杂事 (务)    chores to do,其中to do 不定式作定语    例如:    I have nothing to say on this question.   在这个问题上,我没有什么话可说。    It was a game to remember.      那是令人难忘的球赛。


6.Are you ready,Tina?你准备好了吗?

  ★ready for sth/to do sth  准备就绪的    ★ready for work 为工作准备就绪的    ★get ready for a journey 作好旅行的准备    ★be ready to start 准备出发


5.Have you fed your cat yet? 你喂猫了吗?

 ★fed是feed(喂)的过去分词    例如:    What do you feed your dog on?   你用什么喂你的狗?    ★be fed up with  因多而厌烦,不满    例如:    I am fed up with your grumbling?   我听够了你的怨言。


4.I will do it in a minute. 我马上就做。

 ★ in a minute=soon  立刻    例如:    I will come downstairs in a minute.   我马上下楼。   ★to the minute=exactly 一分不差,准确地    例如:    The train arrived at 7 o‘clock to the minute.   那班列车在7点到站。    ★The minute that,as soon as 一…就…    例如:    I will call you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.   我一到北京就给打电话。


3.I have not cleaned out the refrigerator yet. 我还没把冰箱清除干净。

  ★clean sth out 打扫某物之内部,扫除某物的尘土等。    例如:    It is time for you to clean your bedroom.   现在该你打扫你的卧室的时候了。    ★clean sth up   清除罪犯和不道德分子,整顿(某物)。    例如:    The mayor has decided to clean up the city.   市长已决定要整顿市政。    ★clean sth down  清扫,擦干净    例如:    clean down the walls.   把墙上的尘土扫下。


2.Have you watered the plants yet?你浇花了吗?

  ★water这里是动词,“浇水,洒水”的意思    water the lawn/the plants/the streets 洒水在草地(花木,街道)上    ★water the horses  饮马

