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15.--How do you feel living in the country, Mike?

--Very nice! It’s quite different from    in the city.

Ait   B one   C .what   D. that


14. The exam was quite easy –easier than we  

A hoped  B washed C .expected D. thought


12.--Why did you plant so many trees?

--   the environment.

A improve B to improve  C .improved D. improving

13--I’m trying to lose weight, so I just have one meal a day, and nothing else.

--Do you honestly feel that’s    ?

A necessary B important C .difficult D. easy


11.Everyone in Dave and July’s family   tennis. Dave and July play, and so do all their children.

A are playing B play C . plays D. are going to play


10.--There’s a concert in our city . have you got a ticket?

--No, I    ---.but there weren’t any left.

A  tried to  B decided to ected to D. had to


9.--I’m sorry to keep you waiting .   here for a long time?

--No, only about ten minutes.

A Are you B Were you  C Have you been  D. Had you been


8.That building is now a supermarket .it    a cinema.

A is  B was  C used to be D. would be


7.--Are you sure our team will beat theirs ?

--Of course. We have    players.

A many B more C strong D. better


6.Is anybody listening to the radio   can I turn it off?

A or  B if  C so  D. and 


5.If you want to change for a bigger room, you’ll have to pay   £20. 

A more   B another C the other D. other

