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12、--- Who was in the classroom ? --- _______ . A. None B. No one C. Nothing D. No body


11、Word came _____ he had expected for a long time . A. that    B. what    C. when   D. where


10、China has ____ more U.S dollars this year than last year . A. brought up B. brought out C. brought in D. brought


9、I was so badly ill that I couldn’t help ______ the room.

A.to clean    B.cleaning  C.being cleaning  D.to be cleaned


8、He promised to come to the lecture, but he hasn’t __________.

   A. turned up  B. turned over C. turned on  D. turned off


7、The Great Wall is beautiful and I look forward______it.

  A. to visit    B. in visiting    C. to visiting     D. and visit


6、-----Have a nice weekend!   ---------_____________.

  A. The same to you.  B. You do too.  C. So are you.  D. You have it, too.


5、It’s the ____ in Britain for a bride(新娘) to throw her bouquet(花束) to the wedding


   A.habit     B.rule    C.custom    D.law


4、-What a pity! All the tickets for tonight’s football match have been sold out.

   -Don’t worry. It will be broadcast ________.

   A. alive         B. live       C. lively        D. living


3、His watch, for _______ he paid $100, is now worth $500.

  A. which    B. that    C. it     D. what

