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五月四日,一班和二班之间将进行一次有关环保问题的演讲比赛(a talk show on environment protection)。此前,二班邀请清华大学的Dr Li做相关内容的报告。





地   点
时   间
四月三十日,星期三下午 2:00
目   的

May I have your attention, please?

As you know, our class will have a talk show on environment protection with Class One on May 4th. Before it takes place, we_  __________________________










One day I happened to find a chatting room on the       86     __

internet, where people were chatting on English. I tried      87     __

to chat with some of them. To my surprised, I found the      88     __

fact that the spoken English of some junior students were better  89     __

than mine. I asked them for an advice and they told me       90     __

to practise more on QQ. What I wish I could speak English     91     __

as good as these fellows! Therefore every day after that I     92    ___

would spend one hour practise my spoken English on QQ.       93    ___

Day by day I learned many good and use words and          94     __

expression. With time going by , I found that I could       95    ___

even communicate with some college students freely.       



Have you ever had problems in your life and don’t know how to be happy? If  46 , you will find “Being a Happy Teenager” by Australian writer Andrew Matthews  47 .

   In his book, Matthews  48  us how to have a happy life and answers the  49  of teenagers.

   There are many  50  such as parents and friends, and the book  51  we should stop being angry and forgive. The book tells us of useful skills  52  how to put what you have learned into pictures of your mind to  53 your memory better.

   Many teenagers think  54  happiness comes from a good exam result  55  praise (赞扬) from other people. But you can  56  be happy when there are no such “good” things.

   Success comes from a(n)  57  attitude(态度). If you  58  from problems, you will have success in the future.

   Some school students have  59  such as being too tall or too short. But Matthews tells us that  60  comes from thinking about things in a positive(积极的)  61 . If you are  62 , people notice you and you can get a  63  view(视线) at the movie; if you are short, your clothes and shoes  64  less room in your bedroom! This is Matthews’ most important  65 : you choose to be happy!

46. A. so      B. not      C. it       D. do

47. A. wise     B. smart     C. useful      D. simple

48. A. orders     B. tells     C. asks      D. argues

49. A. problems   B. questions   C. ideas     D. comments

50. A. roles      B. classes    C. courses    D. subjects

51. A. says     B. writes     C. reads     D. thinks

52. A. for example  B. such as     C. so as      D. so that

53. A. make      B. turn     C. let      D. change

54. A. what      B. how      C. that     D. whether

55. A. and      B. but      C. so      D. or

56. A. yet      B. already     C. still     D. forever

57. A. bad      B. good     C. independent   D. normal

58. A. learn     B. rescue     C. struggle    D. separate

59. A. experiences   B. difficulties   C. fears      D. problems

60. A. success    B. happiness    C. failure     D. height

61. A. way      B. means     C. manners    D. spirit

62. A. short     B. small      C. tall       D. fat

63. A. lower     B. higher     C. worse     D. better

64. A. take      B. spend     C. cover      D. cost

65. A. work      B. lesson     C. teaching     D. study


44、People's dream of saving our earth will ______ . A. come true B. become true C. come truly D. become truly

45 People ____ in the city do not know the pleasure of country life.   A.live  B.to live  C.lived  D.living 


43、–My name is John Smith. ______

--- Hi! I am Jason.

A. How do you do  B. Nice to meet you  C. How about you  D. How are you

