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1. Research _________(表明)that men find it easier to give up smoking than women.


The Power of Fresh Starts

Thirty years ago, I began my first year of teaching in Grade 2. One of the most  1   students was a little boy who had a serious ADD(多动症). I had no  2   in dealing with such a case, and I  3   the year studying how to help him become a successful  4  . There were many disappointing moments, but there was something  5  about the boy who moved excitedly around my classroom.

 6   the end of the school year came near, I heard a talk. The Grade 3 teachers were  7   of having Stephen the following year. I considered it a lot, and I  8   that I would be the best person to  9   Stephen into Grade 3. My headmaster looked at me in  10  , but he agreed to my plan.

I will never forget that day when Stephen came to ask  11   he was in my class again. I looked him in the eye and said, “Well, Stephen, you’re in my  12   because I asked for you.” The little boy looked surprised. “You did? Why? ” he asked. “Because I  like you and want to keep  13   with you,” I answered.

Stephen just  14   at me. After a few moments, he  15  and walked back to his seat. We never spoke of it again, but the two of us had many  16   learning breakthroughs(突破) that year. I believe those  17   were more of a result of Stephen’s knowing that I had put his previous year’s mistakes behind him.

Now I come to know that when I  18   for one, I can improve his soul. Each season is a new beginning, a new way of thinking. Many students  19   a new start and are determined to act upon it. We need to pay attention to even the smallest  20   that students are looking for help.

1.A.unforgettable      B.miserable     C.common        D.friendly

2.A.knowledge         B.experience     C.interest           D.energy

3.A.wasted       B.took      C.cost           D.spent

4.A.adventurer       B.actor       C.learner           D.competitor

5.A.important       B.dangerous     C.romantic         D.pleasant

6.A.As         B.While         C.Since           D.For

7.A.excited        B.afraid       C.pleased          D.angry

8.A.remembered         B.imagined      C.realized          D.dreamed

9.A.drive         B.follow       C.force           D.join

10.A.surprise        B.silence       C.doubt           D.wonder

11.A.how        B.why      C.when             D.what

12.A.school       B.office       C.class            D.home

13.A.playing          B.talking      C.teaching          D.staying

14.A.stared           B.laughed      C.pointed          D.shot

15.A.cried           B.smiled       C.agreed          D.refused

16.A.professional      B.attractive      C.unbelievable        D.valuable

17.A.prizes       B.awards     C.failures           D.successes

18.A.care        B.hunt      C.prepare           D.wait

19.A.dislike at        B.hope for      C.accept          D.avoid in

20.A.act        B.sign      C.symbol          D.mark


20. I’d appreciate________ if you would do me the favor to send this message to Mr. Allen.

A. that         B. it           C. this          D. you


19. You are saying that the fight against cybercrimes requires great effort, and this is        I quite agree.

  A. how              B. what            C. where               D. why


18. Maybe _______ is true that we do not know what we have got until we lose _______.

A. it; one        B. what; that          C. it; it             D. what; more

