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31.He _____________________________________________ (不可能看电视) last night, for he knew he would have an exam the next day. (watch)


29.Mary was in hospital for three days. She felt as if she was _______ from the outside world for a long time.

A. cut off            B. cut down          C. cut up               D. cut in


28.- It is said that most of us have passed the job interview. What about you?

   - I _______ the written papers but failed the oral test.

A. looked through         B. read through       C. pulled through          D. got through


27.While referring to the money, the official avoided the attention ______ on how to make use of it.

A. drew            B. paid             C. focused              D. attracted


26.Wait till you are more _______. It’s better to be sure than sorry.

A. inspired           B. satisfied          C. calm                D. certain


25.- You’ll have to use the stairs. I’m sure the lift is out of _______.

- Is it under repair?

- Yes.

A. control           B. use              C. work                D. order


24.Last week he was caught robbing the bank opposite the station. _______ his youth, the police have decided not to charge him.

A. In spite of            B. In view of         C. In charge of           D. In case of


23.After receiving the Oscar Award, she felt that it was a great _______ to receive it.

A. reward               B. honor            C. price                D. fame


22.The speech he made _______ all the latest development in this subject.

A. took off          B. took on           C. took down                D. took in

