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第一节  根据所给单词的首字母以及汉语提示,完成下列句子。 5分

81. All these difficulties were caused by natural d       .

82. A d_________is a time or date before which a particular task must be finished.

83. He told me that his trip to Europe was really ___________(难忘的).

84. In the t       there are the images of many gods.

85. It's n       to pull your sister's hair.


第三节  完形填空。30分

Dark clouds in the sky 41  one thing and only one thing:there was going to be heavy rain. 42 of us had brought an umbrella.So when Jack 43  we should go to a  44  ,we all

 45  immediately,as we had been shopping all morning and were now feeling 46 .It would be a pleasure 47  .We 48   and got to the museum just 49   large drops of rain were beginning to fall.

The museum was  50   a peaceful place. We sat down in the hall and listened to the rain 51  against the windows.Suddenly 52  a large crowd of children shouting and talking  53 

the entrance.Then 54  school boys were 55  in by a teacher.The poor museum watchman was trying to 56  them quiet but they did not seem to 57  him.Apologizing for causing such a noise,the teacher said that the boys were 58 excited to see so many strange things.But in the end the noise proved too much for us and we decided to leave. 59 ,we thought the children had come on an "educational(教育) visit" 60 we had simply waited to stay off rain.

41.A.told             B.asked            C.explained         D.meant     

42.A.Not one          B.No one           C.Every           D.Each      

43.A.said             B.told             C.suggested         D.asked

ema          B.hall             C.shop            D.museum    

45.A.agreed           B.agreed it          C.agreed him        D.agreed to him

46.A.busy            B.hungry           C.tired            D.thirsty

47.A.lie down         B.to lie down        C.sit down          D.to sit down

48.A.by a bus          B.by bus           C.took a bus        D.took bus

49.A.as              B.like             C.after            D.before

50.A.quite            B.very             C.much            D.too

51.A.beated           B.beaten           C.beating          D.beats

52.A.there has been      B.there have been     C.there was         D.there were

53.A.in              B.on              C.at              D.by

54.A.many of          B.the many of       C.a number of       D.the number of

55.A.followed         B.led              C.got             D.made

56.A.stop             B.prevent           C.keep            D.get

57.A.care for          B.care of           C.care about        D.care with

58.A.very            B.so              C.such            D.too

59.A.Above all         B.Most of all        C.After all          D.First of all

60.A.when            B.but              C.while            D.as


40.She could hardly           (走)for she was very tired. (drag) 


39.It            (无所谓) whether he comes or not . (difference)


38.If he is in danger, many people           (会来营救他)him. (rescue)

