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15. ______ China is  ______ old country with _____ long history.

  A. /,an, a      B. The , an , a     C. / , an, the     D. / , the , a


14. Jenny gave us  _____  on how to improve English .

  A. some advices   B. many advices    C. some advice   D. an advice


12. Since you’re  ____  danger, why not ask ______ help?

A. in, for      B. in, to        C. with , for       D. with, to

13 --- Shall we go skating tomorrow ?

  ---- _________.

  A. you’re all right  B. It’s very kind of you  C. You are right   D.  That’s a good idea


11. --- Mum , could you buy me a dress like this ?

   --- certainly, we can buy _____  one than this , but _____ this.

  A. a better, better than           B. a worse , as good as 

C. a cheaper , as good as          D. a more important , not as good as


10. I couldn’t agree with  ________ at the meeting .

  A. that you said    B. which you said    C. all what you said    D. what you said


9. ---- I wonder if it _____ tomorrow.

  ---- Don’t worry, if it _______ , we’ll stay at home.

  A. rains, rains     B. will rain ,rains    C. rains , will rain    D. will rain, will rain


8. ______ the bad weather , the swimming match had been put off.

  A, Because      B. Thanks to      C. With the help of   D. For


7.______ exciting news ! We’re never had  _______ long vacation before.

  A. What, such a     B. What an , such a   C. How , such a    D. What ,so a


6. How long ______ the film _____ when you got there ?

  A. has ,begun     B. had, begun      C. has , been on    D. had, been on


5. ----- Have all the students know that our class will visit the factory this afternoon.

  ----- Yes , Every student ________ about it.

  A. have told      B. have been told    C. has told      D. has been told

