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第一节 短文改错(共l0小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



  The train which I am traveling on was already half an hour               76.________

late. I had to reach to Vienna at 7:15 in order to catch                     77.________

the 7:25 train to Paris- but that was impossible now.                     78.________

I explained the situation to the conductor, which advised                   79.________

me to get off two stops after Vienna station and take                      80.________

a taxi. While the time came, he even helped me with my                   81.________

bags. He hoped me good luck as I jumped off, and a few                  82.________

minutes late, I was going in the direction of the city in a                   83.________

taxi. It was exactly 7:20 the taxi stopped outside the station.                84.________

I paid the driver quickly, seized my bags and hurrying inside.       85.________ 


35. People can’t afford to buy expensive things ____ the prices of daily goods going up.

   A. as       B. for       C. with      D. since


34. Good services of the city government have made ____ possible for foreign trade to develop very quickly.

A. it         B. which     C. them         D. that


33. All the lights in the bedrooms ___ after the bell rang for bedtime.

A. went away  B. went over   C. went off  D. went up


32. In our country, we all get ___ by the month. I’m always the first ___ my salary every month.

A. paid; to draw  B. paying; to draw  C. paid; drawing  D. paying; drawn


31. It’s time to watch news on TV. Please ___ the TV set.

   A. switch on   B. switch off   C. switch over   D. switch away


30. _____ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.

A. Dressed       B. To dress          C. Dressing      D. Having dressed


29.  --Excuse me , is the shop open around the clock?

   --_____ . Only from 8:00am.to 4:00 pm.

A. I’m not sure.   B. Well, it depends.    C. That’s right.    D. I’m afraid not.


28. - You shouldn’t accept a gift from a person ____ you don’t know him.

A. until      B. unless    C. if       D. whether

