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35. It was not until the early 1980s _________ this kind of service was developed enough for

businesses to be able to fax.

A. when       B. that        C. since        D. before


34. In China, many people, some of ________ are not overweight at all, are always going on diets

or taking weight-loss pills, _________ are often dangerous.

A. them, which     B. whom, that     C. whom, which   D. them, that


33.-Tom seldom tells lies, ____________ ?

 -No, you can trust him.

A. doesn’t he     B. does he       C. didn’t he      D. will he


32.-How can you keep slim as a mother of two?

 -I have been ___________ in the gym for years.

A. working out    B. acting out      C. getting out     D. giving out


31. Police have not ruled out the possibility ________ Justin was taken by aliens, but are also

looking into other possibilities.

  A. why        B. how        C. which       D. that


30. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, ________ great it is.

A. whichever       B. whenever      C. however        D. whatever


29.-Mr. Smith! How can I achieve high grades in English writing?

 -First of all, great attention should be paid to _________ your handwriting. First impression,

you know, really counts.

A. improve      B. have improved    C. improving     D. being improved


28. Central Manchester High School has much more than you expect, ________ 12 science

laboratories are _______ for different experiments.

A. where, available   B. which, useful    C. which, acceptable  D. there, valuable

